Hi !
Some ideas in bulk about bash completion, mostly about colors.


Q) how to grab them ?
A) in ls.c, which parse LS_COLORS, ls --color=always
Until it is implemented as a library, /bin/ls can be used.
(binutils sources is the only place I found where DIR_COLORS parsing
Since I discovered that compgen -W can handles colorized output well, quoting
is the "first" issue I can see.

touch "a1.mpg" "a2.tar" "b 3.mpg" "c\\4.tar"

$ compgen -W "$(ls --color=always a*)"
completes well with colors
$ compgen -W "$(ls --color=always *)"
splits "b 3.mpg" and trims the backslash of c\4.tar
$ compgen -W "$(ls -b --color=always)"
completes all files well with colors

So now, in the script attached:
- if we use the COMPREPLY n°1, we notice a problem with
$IFS: (filename with space = 2 elements in COMPREPLY[])

But other than that, let's use the completion n°2 and 3:
COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W "$(ls --color=always ${cur}*)" ) )
comptest a<TAB>
The line is transformed.

So the next question seems to be: how to dissociate the string under the
cursor from the string under the line (I used to call "suggestion")
On this subject:

Chet speaking about the "visible-stats" readline variable.
It makes me think that colors should really be implemented at the readline 
Perl, python or mysql shell users may really benefit from colors.

about readline hooks.

Some example of what I would see offered in a flexible readline completion:
- ability to display colorized filenames
- ability to display option summary while <tab>ing for options list
- ability to display progress bar while completing with filenames
- ... maybe more

IMHO: the "right way" would be:
- a libdircolors which readline would link against
- a colors -o option to compgen usable with -o filenames
(like the inputrc/bind visible-stat)

I'm quite sure it needs a patch in libreadline + at least 1 other $COMP* 
to be considered by bash + a inputrc option.
This $COMPX variable may be an associative array like
[word_to_complete_with] => [word_to_use_to_display_suggestion]
But still it doesn't really offer the flexibility of suggestion.
(assoc mentioned above)

While I'm speculating on this, I would like to speak about the ability
to interrupt the completion process:

Because today there are more and more completions we can not assure that
all of them resolve in an acceptable time.
Eg, while adding, to the cmdline, a long list of file paths, each <tab>
is now considering the whole cmdline taking quite some time (some
seconds with 20 files) and I ended up in using Alt+/.

The same applies to emerge, apt-get, ssh, ...
I still think that considering a Ctrl+g to interrupt completion is a
workaround for deeper problems but this need may come sooner than we
would want.

As I'm throwing ideas here, I would like to know what you, bashcomp
hackers, think about these subjects ?

sorry for such a long oration.

# bash completion for test
    local cur

    _get_comp_words_by_ref cur
# ex1
    COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -f -- "$cur" ) )

# ex2: no completion ($cur starts with a character, wordlist elements contains 
shell-color-escape character)
#    COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W "$(ls --color=always ${cur}*)" -- "$cur") )

# ex3: completion problem: in line $cur is replaced with the shell-color-escape 
# because we omit -- $cur and the common prefix is the color
# It would not complete anything if all colorized filename are of different 
#    COMPREPLY=( $( compgen -W "$(ls --color=always ${cur}*)") )

} &&
complete -F _comptest -o filenames comptest

# Local variables:
# mode: shell-script
# sh-basic-offset: 4
# sh-indent-comment: t
# indent-tabs-mode: nil
# End:
# ex: ts=4 sw=4 et filetype=sh

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