The test suite does set -o posix  for some reason.  It does flag up a
few problems (esp. if you disable the &>/dev/null when sourcing dynamic
loaded completions).  I think some variable names that included a -,
and a process substitution.

 I see this has already come up, as

 I was going to use
readarray -t COMPREPLY <  <( compgen ... )
in something, but set -o posix disables <(process substitution)
(  So my code wouldn't
work with the testsuite.

 So do we want to just use
x="$( compgen ... )"
readarray -t COMPREPLY <<< "$x"
 as our idiom of choice, like a bunch of functions already do?
That writes to a tmpfile in /tmp, then redirects the input of
readarray from that.  Redirecting from a process substitution is about
the same overhead as a pipe.

strace -e trace='!rt_sigprocmask,rt_sigaction' -f bash -c 'readarray -t ARR < 
<(exec echo)'
strace -e trace='!rt_sigprocmask,rt_sigaction' -f bash -c 'x=$(exec echo); 
readarray -t ARR <<< "$x"'

<<< has to statfs('/tmp'), which seems silly, as well as a bunch of
other overhead.

readarray -u <(cmd) didn't seem to work.  I guess builtin commands
don't work right with the /proc/pid/fd/number filenames that process
substitution generates?  Redirecting from a process substitution
elides opening of /proc/pid/fd, and just does the usual pipe thing, so
it's actually more efficient.

Unfortunately we can't just pipe into readarray, because that would
put readarray in a subshell that didn't affect the main script's env.
(Thanks Eduardo Bustamante for reminding me about Wooledge's site, pointed me towards readarray
and process substitution.)
points out that there is a shopt -s lastpipe to let
shopt -s lastpipe
( echo a; echo b; echo c ) | readarray arr
work.  Tempting, but setting and unsetting it on enter/leave progcomp
is prob. more trouble than the readability of other ways of feeding

 Also, thoughts on using readarray to replace loops in existing code?
There are a few cases of loops like
    while read -r tmp; do
        toks+=( "$tmp" )
    done <<< "$x"

_filedir_xspec() has some REALLY ugly loops, like loop over the output
of compgen, and expose it to glob expansion for quote removal I guess?
Capturing it with toks=( $( compgen | while read ...; do printf ...;done ) )
But that's a separate issue; readarray can only replace loops that
AREN'T treating data as shell code.

 I think if we want to be fully safe with filenames that include a *,
we'll need to replace every
    COMPREPLY+=( $( compgen ... ) )
with a readarray (or equivalent while read loop, if we need compat
with older bash, but I'd vote that we use readarray for speed and
says that readarray was buggy until bash 4.1 beta, and I think we
only support bash >= 4.1.)

 And to get back to where I started, IMO we don't need to support
set -o posix.  Does anyone use that in interactive shells?
progcom isn't really essential, IMO, so people can get by on just
filename completion in the rare cases where they need to set -o posix
in an interactive shell.

#define X(x,y) x##y
Peter Cordes ;  e-mail: X(peter@cor ,

"The gods confound the man who first found out how to distinguish the hours!
 Confound him, too, who in this place set up a sundial, to cut and hack
 my day so wretchedly into small pieces!" -- Plautus, 200 BC

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