On 08/13/2014 01:29 PM, Gleb Baryshev wrote:
> Hi,
> I think the KDE3 branch was called "maint"; I had some errors when I
> tried to build it for Trinity a while ago. Right now I don't have a
> possibility check the exact point in time when the move to KDE4 was
> commited - sorry - you probably have to check it yourself. Please
> share your results with us (because version 1.x is useful as reference
> for (re)implementing features in 2.x).
> Regards,
> Gleb

Thank you Gleb,

   I'll will post back to the list when I have identified where the kde3->kde4 
switch was in the basket repository. It will be a few weeks before I can look 
the code. We are still working a systemd issue with Trinity to get user-session 
tracking fixed for distros using systemd with no consolekit. (I run/build 
Trinity for Archlinux) Once that is resolved, I'll have time to look at the 
basket issues.

   The 1.0.3 version is still an awesome application. What makes it so is its 
*simplicity*. I have watched many apps struggle as they make major version 
changes between what are *needed* additions and what are *gee-whiz* looks nice 
additions (that add no functional value and clutter or complicate). keepassx is 
struggling with this as well.

   Both basket and keepassx are "killer" apps that I encourage to use the KISS 
philosophy in there major version updates. Stick to core functionality and a 
clean interface and leave all the "gee-whiz" desktop effect garbage out of the 
apps completely... Otherwise what made the apps "killer" in the first place 
just get lost in the unneeded complexity brought on by using new widgets "just 
because we can..."

   That's just my $.02 for the day. I'll post-back after I've sorted through 
commits in git.

David C. Rankin, J.D.,P.E.

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