Kelvie, all,

  I was very pleased to see basket was included with Plasma/FW5 and
packaged by Archlinux. I have about 10 years of notes in basket and I
would be in big trouble without it. The current compilation of 1.8.1 is
against KDE Platform Version 4.14.26 in KDE Frameworks 5.27.0 Qt 5.7.0
(built against 5.7.0)

  However, there seem to be real problems with basket 1.81 in plasma.
For starters, the following are broken:

 1) if you click and a new empty note is created, and you didn't mean
to, it does not automatically get deleted when you click somewhere else.
Stray empty notes were always auto-removed in the past. This can quickly
lead to your baskets turning into a giant mess;

 2) 'Tags' shortcuts are duplicated and generate errors for duplicate
keystrokes when you "Customize Tags" and then 'save'. It is like the
list of shortcuts is duplicated in memory causing basket to think each
shortcut for a tag is a duplicate. Quitting basket and restarting clears
the duplicates from memory, but this means you have to shutdown/restart
basket if you change 'any' tag setting;

 3) Changing a tag (like Title) does not update all Title tagged items
in the list;

 4) Clicking in a note and applying a tag doesn't apply the formatting
if the note already contained a tag. It is like the signals and slots
get mixed up after the first time a tag is applied (something is also
funny with the font-size combo-list, at times it will report available
font sizes as 7 9 9 10 11, ... and you must manually enter 8 because it
doesn't display in the list;

 5) Grouping is totally unpredictable. (probably in large part due to
the problem in (1) above.) Any unintended click slightly above/below the
current note baseline (when the Config > General > [ ] group note option
is use) creates a mess quickly. Now there is simply a pixel or two
difference between the note trying to group 'above' or group 'below' the
current when clicking to the right side of the insertion line.

 6) Configure > General > System Tray Icon [ ] Show main window when
mouse hovers over the system tray icon for 7 tenths -- no longer works
at all. This is probably due to some change in the systray in plasma,
but this was a brilliant time saving option that should be continued.
(the balloon notices for Global shortcut actions no longer works as well)

  I'm sure these are fixable and baskets is well worth the effort. Let
me know if I can provide an further information. I'm happy to do it.
I've filed this as bug:

David C. Rankin, J.D.,P.E.

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