
 I have a class extending the JSVGComponent and overriding the
setSVGDocument() and loadSVGDocument(). This was required to modify the
svgDocument after parsing and before being sent to the GVTBuilder.

 So I get the svgDocument in loadingCompleteEvent(), which then calls the
setSVGDocument. Here I modify the svgDocument for some style properties
(based on parameters to the enclosing applet) and start the GVTBuilder.

 The svg is rendered perfectly with the changes. This works fine with Java
plugin 1.3.0_02 ( on Windows NT/2000 and IE5.0 / Netscape). Also on Solaris
8 with the Netscape 4.7 and Java plugin 1.3.0_02.

 But with the latest Java plugin 1.3.1 , it does not work at all on any
system. (windows / solaris). Even though the svgDocument is modified to
reflect the style changes, it does not get repainted. 

 To summarise:

 Works perfectly:1. Windows NT/2000, with java plugin 1.3.0_02, IE 5.0 or
                 2. Solaris 8, with  with java plugin 1.3.0_02, Netscape 

 But does not work with the latest java plugin 1.3.1.

 Has anyone faced similar repaint problems with the latest java plugin and
the batik 1.0 release?

 Any clues?


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