On Monday 16 July 2001 18:58, Thomas E Deweese wrote:
> Hi all,
>    Philipe Le Hegaret was kind enough to submit a sizeable patch to
> Batik to enable the proper use of Accept headers and User Agent
> headers in Batik.
>      http://nagoya.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=1937
>    The only problem is that the solution while it works cuts a few
> corners, like assuming that ParsedURL will only be used to request
> Image data.
>    So I see two options:
>    1) Add a Parallel interface for URLConnection to ParsedURL.  This
>       is a fair amount of work, and will result with a similarly ugly
>       sort of code as is currently in the patch (I don't like the
>       generic setRequestProperty calls).
>    2) Try and abstract a few of the important bits out of the URL
>       connection class into parameters on ParsedURL construction and
>       openStream calls.
>    The decision between #1 and #2 is really a decision on how useful
> the rest of the URLConnection interface really is (a lot of it looks
> like it's in support of the last 50% which is used .5% of the time).
>    My leaning is to go with #2 and if down the road we find use for
> the full URLConnection interface we could then treat the #2 additions
> as convenience methods.  I'm a little uncomfortable with putting
> 'http-specific' stuff in the otherwise fairly generic ParsedURL
> interface, but since the concepts are generic (what the user agent is,
> and what the expected/supported data types are) I think I can justify
> it.
>    Opinions?

I don't have a strong opinion about that issue.


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