Hello Batikers,

  It's been a while....been participating on Yahoo Developers list and 
spreading the knowledge about Batik :-)

  I see that Batik will be a JAVA ONE 2002...I wonder if Batik team would 
like to comment on this.

  I have also noticed that animation features are every so slowly creeping 
into Batik :-)

  I was thinking about how the Batik Web page could be improved....and I 
thought it would be nice to give a high level explaination of the jar files 
in Batik. I find it hard to think about which jars to include in the 
classpath....maybe I should put all....

The point is that Developers and Users of Batik should not have to guess 
what jars to put the classpath....Batik Web site should make it easy on 
young Batikers. So I am suggesting a high level chart that explains what the 
jar file do!

  I am thinking something like Xerces:

  I'm would think that the install page would be a perfect place to put such 

  I know that any Batiker could just type: jar -tf batik-awt-util.jar to see 
the inside....put not everyone feels comfortable with jars and I think it 
would really help those who use the binary distribution of Batik

So what do you think? ....I could make a sample and others in the group 
could approve the wording....

just a thought:-)

http://www.svgnotebook.com is coming along.....soon to have a Batik section 

We all learn by sharing what we know
Robert A. DiBlasi

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