deweese     02/03/20 08:17:01

  Added:       samples  mines.svg
  SVG implementation of mine sweeper.
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.1                  xml-batik/samples/mines.svg
  Index: mines.svg
  <?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>
  <!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.0//EN"
  <!-- ====================================================================== -->
  <!-- Copyright (C) The Apache Software Foundation. All rights reserved.     -->
  <!--                                                                        -->
  <!-- This software is published under the terms of the Apache Software      -->
  <!-- License version 1.1, a copy of which has been included with this       -->
  <!-- distribution in the LICENSE file.                                      -->
  <!-- ====================================================================== -->
  <!-- ====================================================================== -->
  <!-- Defines the Batik Logo using an SVG font.                              -->
  <!--                                                                        -->
  <!-- @author [EMAIL PROTECTED]                                       -->
  <!-- @version $Id: mines.svg,v 1.1 2002/03/20 16:17:01 deweese Exp $    -->
  <!-- ====================================================================== -->
  <svg id="body" width="450" height="500" viewBox="0 0 450 500"
      <script type="text/ecmascript">
          // Global declarations
        var mines0    =  8;
        var mines1    = 40;
        var mines2    = 99;
        var boardSize =  1;
        var numAcross = 16;
        var numDown   = 16;
        var numMines  = 40;
        var correctFlags   = 0;
        var incorrectFlags = 0;
        var minesLeft;
          var board      = document.getElementById("board")
          var cover      = document.getElementById("cover")
        var boardArray = new Array(numAcross*numDown);
        var shownArray = new Array(numAcross*numDown);
        var flagArray  = new Array(numAcross*numDown);
        var isGameOver = true;
        var xlinkNS    = "";;
        var svgNS      = "";;
        function initBoard(evt) {
          isGameOver = false;
          minesLeft = numMines;
            correctFlags = 0;
          updateText("mines", "Mines Left: "+minesLeft);
          updateText("boardsz", "Board Size: "+numAcross+"x"+numDown);
          updateText("title", "");
          updateText("working", "Working");
          for(var y=0; y<numDown; y++) {
             for(var x=0; x<numAcross; x++) {
               boardArray[x+y*numAcross] = 0;
               shownArray[x+y*numAcross] = false;
               flagArray [x+y*numAcross] = false;
          while (cover.lastChild != null) {
          while (board.lastChild != null) {
          for (var i=0; i<numMines; i++) {
            var index = new Integer(Math.random()*(numDown*numAcross)).intValue();
            if ((index >= (numDown*numAcross)) ||
                (boardArray[index]!=0)) {
            } else {
              boardArray[index] = -1;
          for(var y=0; y<numDown; y++) {
               var coverRow = document.createElementNS(svgNS, "g");
             var boardRow = document.createElementNS(svgNS, "g");
             var sum=0;
             for (y1=y-1; y1<=y+1; y1++) {
               if ((y1 >= 0) &&
                   (y1 < numDown) &&
                   (boardArray[y1*numAcross] == -1))
             for(var x=0; x<numAcross; x++) {
                if (x-2 >= 0) {
                   for (y1=y-1; y1<=y+1; y1++) {
                     if ((y1 >= 0) &&
                         (y1 < numDown) &&
                         (boardArray[x-2+y1*numAcross] == -1))
                if (x+1 < numAcross) {
                   for (y1=y-1; y1<=y+1; y1++) {
                     if ((y1 >= 0) &&
                         (y1 < numDown) &&
                         (boardArray[x+1+y1*numAcross] == -1))
               if (boardArray[x+y*numAcross] == 0)
                  boardArray[x+y*numAcross] = sum;
               var square = document.createElementNS(svgNS, "use");
                 square.setAttributeNS(null, "x", ""+(x*10));
                 square.setAttributeNS(null, "y", ""+(y*10));
                 square.setAttributeNS(null, "onclick", 
                                     "handleClick(evt, "+x+","+y+")");
                 var cov = square.cloneNode(true);
                 cov.setAttributeNS(null, "id", "cover"+x+"-"+y);
               cov.setAttributeNS(xlinkNS, "href", "#blank");
               var g = document.createElementNS(svgNS, "g");
                 square.setAttributeNS(null, "id", "square"+x+"-"+y);
               if (boardArray[x+y*numAcross] == -1)
                  square.setAttributeNS(xlinkNS, "href", "#bomb");
                  square.setAttributeNS(xlinkNS, "href", "#square"+sum);
               var g = document.createElementNS(svgNS, "g");
          updateText("working", "");
          updateText("title", "SVG Mines");
        function handleClick(evt, x, y) {
           if (isGameOver) return;
           if ((evt.button == 1) ||
               (evt.shiftKey)) {
               placeFlag(x, y);
           else if ((evt.button == 2) ||
                    (evt.ctrlKey)) {
               showConnected(x, y);
           else if (evt.button == 0) {
               showSpot(x, y)
        function placeFlag(x ,y) {
           var idx = x + y*numAcross;
           if (shownArray[idx]) return;
           var elt = document.getElementById("cover"+x+"-"+y);
           var nelt = elt.cloneNode(true);
           if (flagArray[idx]) {
              nelt.setAttributeNS(xlinkNS, "href", "#blank");
              flagArray[idx] = false;
              if (boardArray[idx] == -1) correctFlags--;
              else                       incorrectFlags--;
           } else {
              nelt.setAttributeNS(xlinkNS, "href", "#flag");
              flagArray[idx] = true;
              if (boardArray[idx] == -1) correctFlags++;
              else                       incorrectFlags++;
           elt.parentNode.replaceChild(nelt, elt);
           updateText("mines", "Mines Left: "+minesLeft);
           if ((correctFlags == numMines) && (incorrectFlags == 0)) {
          function showSpot(x, y) {
           var idx = x + y*numAcross;
           if (shownArray[idx]) return;
           var elt = document.getElementById("cover"+x+"-"+y);
             shownArray[idx] = true;
             var val = boardArray[idx];
           if (val == -1) {
           } else if (val == 0) {
             showConnected(x, y);
        function showConnected(x, y) {
           for (var dy=-1; dy<=1; dy++) {
              if (y+dy <  0)        continue;
              if (y+dy >= numDown ) continue;
              for (var dx=-1; dx<=1; dx++) {
                 if (x+dx <  0)        continue;
                 if (x+dx >= numDown ) continue;
                 var idx = x+dx + (y+dy)*numAcross;
                 if (shownArray[idx]) continue;
                 if (flagArray[idx]) continue;
                 var elt = document.getElementById("cover"+(x+dx)+"-"+(y+dy));
                 shownArray[idx] = true;
                 var val = boardArray[idx];
                 if (val == -1) {
                 } else if (val == 0) {
                    showConnected(x+dx, y+dy);
        function gameOver() {
          updateText("title", "Game Over");
        function showBoard() {
          while (cover.lastChild != null) {
          var nc = numAcross*numDown;
          for (var i=0; i<nc; i++)
            shownArray[i] = true;
        function youWin() {
          updateText("title", "You Win");
          function updateText(id, lbl) {
              var elt = document.getElementById(id)
              var grp = elt.parentNode;
              var newelt = elt.cloneNode(true)
              if (newelt.firstChild == null) {
              } else {
                  newelt.replaceChild(document.createTextNode(lbl), newelt.firstChild)
              grp.replaceChild(newelt, elt)
        function largerBoard(evt) {
           if (boardSize == 1) return;
           if (boardSize == 1) {
              numAcross = 16;
              numDown   = 16;
              numMines = mines1;
           else if (boardSize == 2) {
              numAcross = 30;
              numDown   = 16;
              numMines = mines2;
           updateText("boardsz", "Board Size: "+numAcross+"x"+numDown);
           updateText("title", "");
           updateText("working", "Working");
           setTimeout("initBoard()", 50);
        function smallerBoard(evt) {
           if (boardSize == 0) return;
           if (boardSize == 0) {
              numAcross = 8;
              numDown   = 8;
              numMines = mines0;
           else if (boardSize == 1) {
              numAcross = 16;
              numDown   = 16;
              numMines = mines1;
           updateText("boardsz", "Board Size: "+numAcross+"x"+numDown);
           updateText("title", "");
           updateText("working", "Working");
           setTimeout("initBoard()", 50);
          function newGame(evt) {
           updateText("title", "");
           updateText("working", "Working");
           setTimeout("initBoard()", 50);
     <title>Implementation of Minesweeper in SVG</title>
           <radialGradient id="bombGrad" gradientUnits="userSpaceOnUse" 
                         cx="5" cy="6.5" fx="4" fy="5" r="2.5">
            <stop offset="0%" stop-color="#FFF"/>
            <stop offset="20%" stop-color="#888"/>
            <stop offset="100%" stop-color="#000"/>
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               d="M0.25,0.25 h9.5 v9.5 h-9.5 v-9.5"/>
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               d="M0,0 h10 l-1,1 h-8 v8 l-1,1 v-10"/>
         <path fill="#888" stroke="none"
               d="M10,10 h-10 l1,-1 h8 v-8 l1,-1 v10"/>
        <g id="square0">/
           <use xlink:href="#empty"/>
        <g id="square1">/
           <use xlink:href="#empty"/>
         <text x="5" y="8" text-anchor="middle" font-size="8" fill="#008"
        <g id="square2">
           <use xlink:href="#empty"/>
         <text x="5" y="8" text-anchor="middle" font-size="8" fill="#00C"
        <g id="square3">
           <use xlink:href="#empty"/>
         <text x="5" y="8" text-anchor="middle" font-size="8" fill="#40F"
        <g id="square4">
           <use xlink:href="#empty"/>
         <text x="5" y="8" text-anchor="middle" font-size="8" fill="#80C"
        <g id="square5">
           <use xlink:href="#empty"/>
         <text x="5" y="8" text-anchor="middle" font-size="8" fill="#C0C"
        <g id="square6">
           <use xlink:href="#empty"/>
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        <g id="square7">
           <use xlink:href="#empty"/>
         <text x="5" y="8" text-anchor="middle" font-size="8" fill="#F04"
        <g id="square8">
           <use xlink:href="#empty"/>
         <text x="5" y="8" text-anchor="middle" font-size="8" fill="#F00"
        <g id="bomb">
           <use xlink:href="#empty"/>
         <rect fill="#000" x="4" y="3" width="2" height="2"/>
         <circle fill="url(#bombGrad)" cx="5" cy="6.5" r="2.5"/>
         <path fill="none" stroke="#000" stroke-width="0.3"
               d="M5,3 c0,-1.5 1.5,-1.5 1.5,0 c0,1.5 1.5,1.5  1.5,0"/>
        <g id="flag">
           <use xlink:href="#blank"/>
         <path d="M3.5,2 h.5 v6.5 h-1 l.5,-6.5"/>
         <path fill="crimson" d="M4,2 l4,1.5 l-4,1.5 z"/>
     <g id="body">
        <text id="title" x="25" y="60" font-size="40">SVG Mines</text>
        <text id="mines" x="250" y="30" font-size="20">Mines Left: </text>
        <text id="boardsz" x="250" y="54" font-size="20">Board Size: </text>
        <g transform="translate(242, 38)" fill="black">
                 <path onclick="largerBoard(evt)" 
                       d="M2.5,0 l-2.5,7 h5 z"/>
                 <path onclick="smallerBoard(evt)" 
                       d="M0,9 h5 l-2.5,7 z"/>
        <g text-anchor="middle" >
           <g id="help" >
              <desc xml:space="preserve"
  >Left:    show
  Right    or Shift: place flag
  Middle    or Control: show surround</desc>
              <circle cx="430" cy="18" r="12"
                      fill="grey" stroke="lightgrey" stroke-width="2" />
              <text font-size="15" fill="blue" x="430" y="25" >?</text>
           <g onclick="newGame()">
              <desc xml:space="preserve">Start new game</desc>
              <circle cx="430" cy="48" r="12"
                      fill="grey" stroke="lightgrey" stroke-width="2" />
              <text font-size="10" fill="blue" x="430" y="53" >NG</text>
        <g id="field" transform="translate(25,75) scale(2)"
         <g id="board">
         <g id="cover">
        <text id="working" fill="green" x="25" y="60" font-size="40"
      <!-- ============================================================= -->
      <!-- Batik sample mark                                             -->
      <!-- ============================================================= -->
      <use xlink:href="batikLogo.svg#Batik_Tag_Box" />

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