Simon Cox wrote:

This is completely off topic, but I'm starting to go mad. I'd like to know if you had any problems implementing the awt Composite and CompositeContext interfaces. I've searched on google and you seem to be the only people to have done this sort of thing so I'm hoping you've come across the same problem.

Hi Simon, I suspect your only real option is to draw to an offscreen buffer. Most Batik code draws to offscreen buffers.

When I use my own Composite object I get the following exception:

java.lang.InternalError: not implemented yet
at sun.awt.X11SurfaceData.getRaster(
at sun.java2d.pipe.GeneralCompositePipe.renderPathTile(

at sun.java2d.pipe.SpanShapeRenderer$Composite.renderBox(

at sun.java2d.pipe.SpanShapeRenderer.renderRect(
at sun.java2d.pipe.SpanShapeRenderer.fill(
at sun.java2d.pipe.PixelToShapeConverter.fillRect(

      at sun.java2d.pipe.ValidatePipe.fillRect(
      at sun.java2d.SunGraphics2D.fillRect(
      at com.jcraft.weirdx.Draw.reqImageText8(

There seems to be a known bug that causes the same exception, which is due to having a colour depth of 24 bpp in linux. However, I followed the suggested solutions (set the DefaultFbBpp 32 option in my XF86Config file, use the latest sun 1.4.2_01 vm and the latest blackdown vm) to no avail. I've also tried copying the source of java.awt.AlphaComposite to prove it's not my code that's dodgy.

I know this isn't your problem, I'm just hoping you might be able to help.


Simon Cox

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