Thomas DeWeese wrote:
Marcel Ruff wrote:

i have just seen a commit for cloned subtree id's.

   Well, the commit turned off id's for the cloned subtrees.

As i need such clones i have some questions about it:

- How do the ID change when a clone is made,
 does the standard specify this?

  No, according to the specification the Batik implementation
is not conformant.  You are supposed to create a subtree
of 'ElementInstance' Nodes.  These nodes reference the corresponding
node in the tree that the use references.  The element instances
are not elements and hence don't have attributes or anything.

- Is the current batik code handling 'use' clones
 and how are the unique ids handled?

   See above.  We don't try and create unique id's.
I will mention that the current 'id' code in Batik treats
an id as unique within a disconnected subtree.  So you could
have the same id in multiple 'disconnected' components.
You would have to lookup the id for that disconnected component
using an element from that component (probably an SVG element).

   I know this isn't very clear but I'm not clear on what you
want to do so it's difficult for me to be clear, is that clear ;)

Hi Thomas,

to be clear about being clear about what i want to do
so you can be clear ... (ohhh :-)

I have an airplane radar view.
I have some little airplane symbols drawn with svg
(like Airbus A320, Boeing 747,etc) and collected in a library.

When a new airplane arrives at the airport i detect the type of airplane,
pick it from the library, clone the svg tree and assign
it a unique identifier (say the flight number).

Now the airplane positions arrive over xmlBlaster (
from the radar system every second, they should find the corresponding
svg plane using the flight number and move the airplane to the
next position.

Any idea how to achieve this in a generic way following the SVG standard
or following the batik extension?



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