Hi Guido,

"Guido Badertscher\(gli\)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 09/27/2006 
10:48:39 AM:

> We have tested several configurations to find the fastest way to convert 
> to various output formats. As we can see in the table below, it depends 
on the
> output format and resolution. 

> We wonder why batik needs 5X execution time for rasterizing a 300 dpi  
> (810.15 ms) image than for a 72 dpi (118.75 ms) image. 

   Because it's generating 16x the image data? 
        (300/72)^2 =~ 16  [remember number of pixels goes up
                         as the square of the resolution]

   When rendering SVG to a raster format there are two
major pieces of work. The reading/interpreting of the SVG
(this scales with the size/complexity of the SVG document) 
and then rendering that SVG to pixels (this scales roughly
with the number of pixels in the output, although document
complexity also plays a role here).

> We hope to get some comments / suggestions / corrections / other 
performance data.

   All the values look to be about in line.  Notice that output
times are similar for PDF at 72 & 300 dpi (since it doesn't need
to render pixels just scale outlines).  Comparing with
Salamander it looks like Batik is a bit quicker reading the
files but salamander is faster at rendering data.

> Performance Test, 512 MB RAM, P4 2.4 GHz, SVG with 90 text Elements
> Techn               | DOM| sca| GIF 72  | GIF 300 | JPG 72  | JPG 300 | 
> 72  | PDF 300 | SVG 72  | SVG 300 | Null 72 | Null 300
> Batik                 | Y       | Y   | 252.3        | 1,744.55| 156.25  
| 1,
> 436.7   | 299.25  | 289.85  | 21.1    | 17.15  | 122.65  | 636.75  
> Batik                 | Y      | N   | 242.95        | 1,987.5  | 
168.75  | 1,
> 246.1   | 286.7    | 288.3    | n.v.      | n.v      | 118.75  | 810.15  

> Batik                 | N      | N  | 338.25         | 2,273.45| 286.75  
| 1,
> 171.05 | 573.45  | 473.45  | 81.25   | 80.45 | 207.85  | 782.8   
> Salamander       | N      | Y  | 386 | 1,500     | 458       | 958    
> n.v.       | n.v.        | n.v.      | n.v.    | 103       | 154     
> Salamander       | N      | N  | 178 | 1,260     | 476       | 943    
> n.v.       | n.v.        | n.v.      | n.v.    | 103       | 146     
> sa/gif4j              | N      | Y  | 250 | 696        | n.v.       | 
>      | n.v.       | n.v.         | n.v.      | n.v.    | 102       | 
> sa/jpgtra            | N      | Y  | n.v. | n.v.       | 117       | 
>      | n.v.       | n.v.        | n.v.       | n.v.    | 103       | 
> Legend:
> =======
> Batik apache batik
> Salamander SVGSalamander
> sa/gif4j Salamander as Rasterizer, gif4j as GIF-Encoder
> sa/jpgtra Salamander as Rasterizer, batik JPEGTranscoder as JPEG-Encoder
> DOM SVGDocument is used as Transformation input, 
> sca scaling is done in the svg Document
> n.v. no value
> GIF 72 Output is GIF Image with Resolution of 72 dpi
> GIF 300 Output is GIF Image with Resolution of 300 dpi
> PDF apache FOP PDFTranscoder is used
> Null 72 Output is not Encoded -> only Rasterizing
> etc.
> Gloor Informatik
> Zurlindenstr. 215 a
> 8003 Zürich

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