I work on a Java application based upon batik. It contains a JSVGCanvas 
displaying the content of a SVGDocument.
I want to select objects on JSVGCanvas in an easier way. 
For example, user want to click on a path which has stroke width = 0.01
-> Currently user must zoom on path to select it.
-> I want to widen my sensitive area depending on my zoom level.
've downloaded batik sources and modified several classes:
org.apache.batik.gvt.StrokeShapePainter.java :
public Shape getPaintedArea()

     if ((this.paint == null) || (this.stroke == null))
     return null;
     float lineWidth = ((BasicStroke)this.stroke).getLineWidth();
     int endCap = ((BasicStroke)this.stroke).getEndCap();
     int lineJoin = ((BasicStroke)this.stroke).getLineJoin();
     float miterLimit = ((BasicStroke)this.stroke).getMiterLimit();
     float[] arrayOfFloat = ((BasicStroke)this.stroke).getDashArray();
     float dashPhase = ((BasicStroke)this.stroke).getDashPhase();
     lineWidth +=5.0;
     BasicStroke localBasicStroke = new BasicStroke(lineWidth, endCap, 
lineJoin, miterLimit, arrayOfFloat, dashPhase);
     if (this.strokedShape == null)
          this.strokedShape = localBasicStroke.createStrokedShape(this.shape);
     return this.strokedShape;

Here "5.0" is a constant but I want to determine it depending on my zoom level
protected void dispatchMouseEvent(MouseEvent evt) {
     GraphicsNodeMouseEvent gvtevt;
     Point2D p = new Point2D.Float(evt.getX(), evt.getY());
     Point2D gnp = p;
     if (baseTransform != null) {
          gnp = baseTransform.transform(p, null);

     double factor = -1;
     try {
          AffineTransform renderingTransform = baseTransform.createInverse();
          factor = Math.min(5/renderingTransform.getScaleX(), 5);
     } catch (NoninvertibleTransformException e) {

Basically, what I am trying to do is to propagate my "factor" from 
"dispatchMouseEvent" to "StrokeShapePainter>getPaintedArea()", but cant find a 
solution to perform this.
Does anyone have an idea on implementing this ?
Thanks in advance,

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