> Hi All, Pahonel Laviniu and Helder Maglhaes,

Hi Scott,

>      I have the same problem with Batik Bug Report 44151, which is reported
> by Pahonel Laviniu
> And also reported by Helder Maglhaes at 2009-5-15.

I didn't report the issue, I just updated its summary [1].

>      I am wondering whether this bug report related to Batik component SVG
> Rasterizer get fix
> Or not.

If/when it gets fixed, the issue *will* be closed...

>        I sent out an e-mail on Friday, December 17, with very detailed
> description of this issue, which
> I encounter during Batik application by using Batik API to rasterize a SVG
> format China Airline
> Passenger boarding pass to PNG format. (The problem that I reported is not
> Sun’s version JPEG
> Decoder problem because I created an image, encoded and decoded by the same
> Sun’s IPEG
> Codec software and it works good.

I don't understand this. Are you *not* using Sun's classes to perform
the work? You may be interested at take a look at bug 46513 which is
tightly related with that.

>        For around 2 weeks, I have got back from anyone. So, I really
> appreciate that someone can tell
> How Batik bug report 44151 get resolved.

When that (silence) happens, it's either because active
developers/users are very busy and/or because you didn't ask the
question in a smart way [3]. In this case, I guess it's both (asking
for an update on an item in the bug tracker without confirming it
using the source code [4] is generally a waste of time for
everyone...). ;-)

>         Hopefully, I get some luck this time!

You did: I'm homesick today so I have some extra time for stuff like
this (instead of fixing Batik bugs, could you imagine that?!). :-D

> Thanks,
> Scott Lo

Hope this helps,

Helder M. A. Magalhães

[2] https://issues.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=46513
[3] http://catb.org/~esr/faqs/smart-questions.html
[4] http://xmlgraphics.apache.org/batik/download.cgi#Subversion+repository

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