Anyone seen this before? I'm using Batik 1.7 (built from website's sources), Ubuntu 11.04, and openjdk 6b22-1.10.2-0ubuntu1~11.04.1.
I'm using the the "TestSVGGen" example code ( ) When I just past that code into a .java file, and built and run it from the command line, it works great. But when I put that same class into my Eclipse project, I get the following stack dump. Anyone know what I might be doing wrong? TestSVGGen [Java Application] sisal.ifx.plot.intermediate_graphics.TestSVGGen at localhost:32788 Thread [main] (Suspended (exception NullPointerException)) line: 290 TrueTypeFont.verify() line: 476 TrueTypeFont.<init>(String, Object, int, boolean) line: 179 FontManager.registerFontFile(String, String[], int, boolean, int) line: 999 FontManager.initialiseDeferredFont(String) line: 946 FontManager.findOtherDeferredFont(String, int) line: 898 FontManager.findDeferredFont(String, int) line: 915 FontManager.findFont2D(String, int, int) line: 1903 FontManager.findFont2D(String, int, int) line: 1864 Font.getFont2D() line: 477 Font.getFamily(Locale) line: 1166 Font.getFamily_NoClientCode() line: 1140 Font.getFamily() line: 1132 SVGFont.familyToSVG(Font) line: 412 SVGFont.toSVG(Font, FontRenderContext) line: 241 SVGFont.toSVG(GraphicContext) line: 221 SVGGraphicContextConverter.toSVG(GraphicContext) line: 101 DOMTreeManager.<init>(GraphicContext, SVGGeneratorContext, int) line: 145 SVGGraphics2D.setGeneratorContext(SVGGeneratorContext) line: 364 SVGGraphics2D.<init>(SVGGeneratorContext, boolean) line: 325 SVGGraphics2D.<init>(Document) line: 263 TestSVGGen.main(String[]) line: 33 Daemon Thread [Batik CleanerThread] (Running) /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-openjdk/bin/java (Aug 14, 2011 1:46:01 PM) --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe, e-mail: For additional commands, e-mail: