I am a new user trying modify an SVG file and then render it as a JPEG.
I convert the SVG file into a w3c Document.then I get the element that I need 
to update.
but when I try to update the text in that element I get the following error:

My code is as follows:
final String parser = XMLResourceDescriptor.getXMLParserClassName();final 
SAXSVGDocumentFactory svgDocFactory = new SAXSVGDocumentFactory(parser);
svgDoc = svgDocFactory.createDocument(svgUri);final Element element = 
MG> should be SVGOMTextElement not Base Class Element

System.out.println("Element Text:" + element.getTextContent().toString());
MG>getTextContent is already returning String why are you doing a toString() 

Please help me how to update values of elements in the SVG Dom document. 
I will be glad if you can point me to a link where I can get samples or 
documentation of using the DOM api.

Thanking You,-- 
Regards,Ouch Whisper010101010101 
MG>it would be a good idea to send us the maven pom.xml you are using to build 
MG>at least that way we can easily determine the versions of dependencies you 
are using to build with
MG>using ant or any other build tool that is version-unaware and will lead you 
down a path where there is no recovery


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