Thanks for finding this Jan. I actually use this but I'm several versions 
behind and need to get upgrading!

Sent from my iPhone

> On 8 Dec 2016, at 23:25, Jan Tosovsky <> wrote:
>> On 2016-12-08 Michael Harris wrote:
>>> On 2016-12-07 Jan Tosovsky wrote:
>>> I've tried to convert my SVG file using Batik rasterizer using the
>>> following command, but it ends with NoClassDefFoundError:
>>> D:\batik-1.8>java -Xmx512m -jar batik-rasterizer-1.8.jar -m
>>> application/pdf horologium.svg
>>> Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:
>>>   org/apache/batik/dom/svg/SVGDOMImplementation at
>>>   ...
>> There is a SVGDOMImplementation in 1.8, but for some reason it was
>> moved to org.apache.batik.anim.dom.
>> See:
>> batik-dom-svg-svgdomimplementation-gone/30250306#30250306
> Thanks for confirmation. So this change was not apparently propagated to the
> PDF rasterizer :-(
> It seems nobody tests/uses this.
> Jan
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