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First International School on Semantic Web Applications and Tools in Life

Aveiro (Portugal), May 2nd-5th, 2012


co-organized by IEETA/University of Aveiro (http://www.ieeta.pt) and
SWAT4LS (http://www.swat4ls.org)



Dear Semantic Web/Life Sciences enthusiast,


It is our great pleasure to announce the first "International School on
Semantic Web Applications and Tools for the Life Sciences" to be held in
Aveiro (Portugal), from May 2nd to 5th, 2012.

This school will provide advanced hands-on training in the use of Semantic
Web technologies in research and enterprise. The format of the school will
consist of focused keynotes, tutorials and hands-on sessions. Its content
will include core Semantic Web technologies and aspects that complement
them in practical applications.

The school aims at bringing together practitioners, researchers and world
leaders in the adoption and application of Semantic Web technologies in
research, from academia, industry and small companies.


The program of the school will include:

- User Interaction and Semantic Web (Eric Miller, CognitiveAtlas)

- Robust Ontology Design (to be confirmed)

- Semantic Search (Michael Schroeder, GoPubMed)

- Semantic Web Services (Luke McCarthy, SADI)

- Semantic Web and large scale Life Sciences Knowledge Bases (Jerven
Bolleman, Uniprot)

- SPARQLing away at Data Integration using federated queries and
SWObjects  (Helena Deus, DERI)

- Gene Disease Association (Dietrich Rebholz-Schugmann, EBI)


Please refer to http://www.swat4ls.org/schools/aveiro2012/ for a detailed
and updated program.



Participants fees are €300 (before March 31st) and €350 (from April, 1st).

The school will be limited to 40 participants.


For registrations, please refer to



Best regards,

The SWAT4LS Aveiro 2012 Event Committee

Further information can be found online at h

You can follow us on Lanyrd at http://lanyrd.com/2012/swat4lsaveiro/

If you have any doubts or questions, get in touch to scho...@swat4ls.org
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