We are happy to announce the eighth 3DSIG meeting in Long Beach, California
on July 13 and 14, 2012.
*Deadline for Submissions is April 13!*

Please visit our site for submissions and complete information and help us
make 3DSIG 2012 a success as in previous years by distributing this email
and the attached poster with your colleagues as well as Facebook, Twitter,

Q: What is 3DSIG?

A: '3DSIG: Structural Bioinformatics and Computational Biophysics' is the
main event in the field of structural bioinformatics and computational
biophysics since 2004. It is organized as a satellite meeting linked to the
Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology (ISMB) conference.

Q: How is 3DSIG organized?

A: Two very full days with a balance of invited talks, short oral
presentations, two laptop/poster sessions, and critical, topic-focused
discussions. A truly unique event bringing together in one place the
structural computational biology community.

Q: Who are the 2012 keynotes?

A: Currenty confirmed:
Ada Yonath (WIS, Nobel Laureate Chemistry 2008)
Adam Godzik (SBMRI)
Arthur Olson (Scripps)
David Goodsell (Scripps)
François Major (U. Montreal)
Olivier Lichtarge (Baylor)
Chris Sander (Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center)
Keith Dunker (Indiana University)

Looking fwd to seeing you at 3Dsig,

Organizing Committee
3DSIG 2012: Structural Bioinformatics and Computational Biophysics
An ISMB 2012 satellite meeting
Long Beach California July 13-14, 2012

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