COMPBIO2013 in the Journal "Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience"

The aim of this special issue is to present the latest efforts for bioinformatics applications development that can be exploited in computational biology. We are especially interested in parallel implementations of algorithms and systems, use case descriptions of distributed open access platforms for the bioinformatics community, or successful experiences of large-scale analysis and simulations in the field of computational biology. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
• Large scale infrastructures for high-performance bio-computing
• Parallel architectures for bioinformatics applications
• Science gateways for computational biological analyses
• Techniques for biological databases access and integration
• Parallel algorithms for genomics, transcriptomics, and proteomics
• Methods for systems biology network reconstruction, analysis, and simulations
• Algorithms for DNA assembly, sequence clustering, and reads mapping
• Machine learning approaches for SNP analysis and classification
• Gene expression and tissue microarray high-throughput platforms
• Structural approaches for protein modeling and interactions prediction
• Novel approaches to molecular dynamics simulation acceleration
• Large scale in silico ligand discovery and drug design projects

The submitted papers must be original, neither published anywhere else nor under any simultaneous consideration in any other venue. Extended contributions with respect to conference proceedings are allowed. In this case they must have at least 30% difference from the original works and a clear identification of the original contributions.

Manuscript Due *February 11, 2013*
First Decision Date *March 25, 2013*
Revision Due *May 6, 2013*
Final Decision Date *June 10, 2013*
Final Paper Due *July 15, 2013*
Publication Date *3rd Quarter, 2013 (Tentative)*

Detailed call for papers can be found at

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