I tried to look into the autoload problem with XEmacs tonight, but due 
to my limited emacs-knowledge heven´t gotten very fare. Soemthign
that might eb usefull to someone else: If I change the
bbdb-autoloads-el rule towards the following (by removing an echo into 
the bbdb-autoloads.el before generating it):

bbdb-autoloads.el: $(DEPSRCS)
        @rm -f $@;
        $(EMACS) -batch -q -l autoload \
                --eval '(setq generated-autoload-file "'`pwd`'/$@")' \
                --eval '(setq make-backup-files nil)' \
                --eval '(setq autoload-package-name "bbdb")' \
                -f batch-update-autoloads `pwd`

With this XEmacs generates a (presumably) correct bbdb-autoloads.el
(at least it´s not nearly emty as before), whereas it doesn´t seem to
like writting to an existing file.

Then it wouldn´t make any difference wether I renamed bbdb-autoloads
to auto-autoloads, as suggested before.


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