Running fsf emacs and bbdb-2.2

I thought I had the super inquisitive BBDB quieted down.  With the
installation of 2.2 some weeks ago.

I haven't installed anything newer or knowingly changed anything in
.emacs or .gnus relating to bbdb.

.emacs contains:

(require 'bbdb)
(setq bbdb-use-pop-up nil)
(setq bbdb-north-american-phone-numbers-p nil)

.gnus contains:

 (setq bbdb-quiet-about-name-mismatches t)
(setq bbdb-silent-running t)

Those lines have meant no bothersome queries from bbdb when I open
mail from my Son who shares my name.

Lately I've begun to be queried again, only now it is when I open my
own messages.  BBDB asks me if I want to add my address to my sons address.

When I start to open one of my messages .... A message appears in echo
add address "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"? (y n)

If I say no and then go to *Messages* I cannot find any evidence of
the above message.   Can't find it recorded any where else either.

I don't want to be queried about this.  Only thing I can think that
may be new, is that I may have only recently added my sons e-mail
address to his entry in bbdb.  I think I may only have had his phone
number and sometime recently added his network address.
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