A couple of excerpts from my bbdb wish list:
1) a way to link related entries.  ex:
        Bob's Mailing List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  
        Robert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  (moderator of Bob's mailing list)
 Whenever I called up Robert's entry, the entry for the mailing list
he moderated would come up as well, and vice versa.

2) a "where noticed" field.  Whenever bbdb notices a new name, it
records where it noticed it (location perhaps derived from the headers
or the newsgroup name).  This would allow you to send mail to all the
people you noticed is comp.sys.whatever or on the mailing list


| The Crystal Wind is The Storm,      Patrick Audley              |
|    The Storm is The Data,     ______/\/\/\/\/\/\/\_______       |
|      The Data is Life.        InterNet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]       |
| [PGPKeyPrint: 31 7C EC 1F 73 87 64 80 4C 9F AA 46 9D 18 60 33 ] |

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