Here's a solution to the mh-toggle-showing problem when bbdb-use-pop-up
is set to t. The following should go in bbdb-mhe.el; somewhere near the
other advices is fine. You can give it a whirl by just evaluating it
after bbdb and mh have been loaded.

(defadvice mh-toggle-showing (before mh-bbdb-toggle act)
  (if mh-showing
      (delete-windows-on bbdb-buffer-name t)))

If you switch folders it's still possible to get the four-window
configuration, but if you toggle enough times everything will straighten
out. Better just to toggle the extra windows off before switching to
another folder.



Jack Repenning writes:
    > I've sent in a subscribe request to this mail list, but please be
    > sure to actually address me on replies to this discussion - I'd
    > hate to miss the solution just because of an administrative delay.

    > I've just brought up bbdb (1.49) in my mh-e (GNU Emacs 19.21)
    > environment, but they're not playing well together.  For example,
    > when I use mh-toggle-showing (bound to 't' in the folder window),
    > the BBDB window doesn't disappear along with the message window
    > (show-+inbox).  No big deal.  But when I 't' again, things get
    > really confused.  The windows are now stacked
    > folder/BBDB/show-+inbox, where they were formerly
    > folder/show-+inbox/BBDB; the cursor is in the BBDB window (though
    > it should be in the folder window), and the show-+inbox window is
    > only 5 lines high - it is, in fact, the same window just vacated
    > by BBDB.  This makes mail unreadable, and wastes the 40 lines or
    > so of frame height I had intended for messages on the folder list.

    > Switching folders gets me into a four-window configuration, where
    > the show window from the old folder is still on screen (and
    > hogging all the space) while the show window for the new folder is
    > also on screen (in a miniwindow).

    > Is this due to something I have configured wrong?

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