tony bennett wrote about "how to create notes entry if one doesn't exist?":

> I'd like to have a notice hook that saves the Subject line as the
> Notes entry if there is no notes field yet.

What I do is the following:

(setq bbdb-auto-notes-alist
      '(("Subject" (".*" last-subj 0 t))
        ("Organization" (".*" company 0 t))))

and then if I remember right, the following is also required:

(setq bbdb-notice-hook 'bbdb-auto-notes-hook)

                            DAVE BARRY'S 1989 IN REVIEW -- August 12th
                               "The federal government, finally fed up with
                                the savings and loan industry's appalling
                                stupidity, irresponsibility, corruption and
                                greed, gives it several hundred billion
                                taxpayer dollars. 'And there's plenty more
                                where that came from,' the government

Eric D. Hendrickson       Damnit!  I can't stop the heterocyclic declination!
Central Computing Services          University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, USA
    I came to confess.  *I* was the second gunman on the grassy knoll....
<a href="">[EMAIL PROTECTED]</a> 612/626-7761

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