[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Kai Großjohann) writes:

> On Thu, 15 Feb 2001, Ronan Waide wrote:
> > Wow. If I'd known you simply wanted it to stop noticing anything,
> > I'd've told you to read the manual ages ago!
> I think what Harry really wants is to have two entries in his BBDB:
> Harry Putnam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>       his own entry
> Harry Putnam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>       his son's entry
> Doesn't 2.2 support this?  I vaguely recall something like this...
> I think Harry only went back to not noticing anything because he
> thought it wasn't possible to have two entries with the same full name
> in there.

Running 2.2

I don't think it did but maybe I just didn't have the right stuff in gnus.
Here is an example and circumstances:

In ~/.bbdb  Two entries for Harry Putnam with different addresses.

In .gnus:

  (setq bbdb-quiet-about-name-mismatches t)
  (setq bbdb-silent-running t)

The two lines above were offered here on this list as a remedy for my
posted problem.  (As described above) But when opening messages from
my son I would still get that annoying message.

Now with the lines Kai posted:

         (setq bbdb/mail-auto-create-p nil)
         (setq bbdb/news-auto-create-p nil)
         (setq bbdb-always-add-addresses 'never)

I don't.

Finally slowed down the very handy but blabbermouth bbdb.

My usage may be very different from most.  I don't want anything put
in the database automatically at all.

I don't want bbdb sorting mail, adding text, storing useless piles of
information, doing dishs etc.  For me, mailrc is just a little to
unfunctional but bbdb is quite a bit more than I really need.

Bbdb satisfies my needs well, but much of the frobbing and running to
and fro that bbdb does is wasted here.  However, I really appreciate
"waider's" hard work and really enjoy having bbdb to use.  I'm slowly
using more and more of its many functions.

I've even made my own contribution to humanity with the (world famous)
`bbdb helper kit', posted here some time back.... he he.

BBDB Home Page: http://bbdb.sourceforge.net/

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