0> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
0> Norman D. Walsh <URL:mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ("Norman") wrote:
Norman> I have a Perl script that snarfs over the .bbdb file and
Norman> produces XML. But this is just wrong, there should be a bbdb
Norman> function that creates XML from the actual, internal data
Norman> structures.
Norman> Anyone written such a beast? If I started digging through the
Norman> sources, would it be obvious where to do this and how? (I
Norman> ought to go look instead of asking, but...)
I did this once, for BBDB ~1.51 or thereabouts. It's not at all
polished (and it's not clear I got the document structure perfect),
but it may be a starting point. I modelled it on bbdb-print, hence
it's called bbdb-xml-print; I managed to use it with a DSSSL
stylesheet and Jade for pretty paper output, though I'm not sure I
still have the stylesheet now.
Here it is, with the usual caveats and zero support. If you manage to
make something of it, I'd like to hear about it (on the list, unless
people object).