>>>>> "PF" == patrick finerty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

PF> hi, i just installed the latest release (2.32). BBDB still wants
PF> to change names such "Patrick J. Finerty" to "Patrick J Finerty"
PF> (note the missing '.' after the middle initial).

PF> additionally, when encountering a new person using the above name
PF> style (middle initial followed by a '.') bbdb silently strips the
PF> '.'  and adds the person to the db.

PF> is this supposed to be standard behaviour? are '.' after middle
PF> initials out of style now?

    I believe this is caused by the switch to using bbdb-snarf.

    I just went through this myself.  What I did was the following:

;; Remove '.' from the regexp of stuff to drop out of names when snarfing.
(setq bbdb-snarf-nice-real-name-regexp "[_,\t\n ]+")

;; Add some cases specific to mail addresses around here.
(setq bbdb-extract-address-component-regexps
    '(;; "'surname, firstname'" <address>  from Outlookers
       (bbdb-snarf-nice-real-name (match-string 1 adstring)) 2)
      ;; "name" <address>
       (bbdb-snarf-nice-real-name (match-string 1 adstring)) 2)
      ;; name <address>
       1 2)
      ;; <address>
      ("<\\([^>]+\\)>" nil 2)
      ;; address (name)
       2 1)

      ;; firstname_lastname%junk@host
       (bbdb-snarf-nice-real-name (match-string 1 adstring)) 
       (concat (match-string 1 adstring) (match-string 2 adstring)))
      ;; firstname_lastname@host
       (bbdb-snarf-nice-real-name (match-string 2 adstring)) 1)
      ;; firstname.lastname@host
       (bbdb-snarf-nice-real-name (match-string 2 adstring)) 1)
      ;; user@host
       nil 1)
      ;; local address
       nil 1)

   By playing with the two, you should be able to get what ever
results you desire.

   I'm sure '.' was added for the firstname.lastname@host case.
Although I'm not certain this is fully warrented, since that is
handled specially.

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