>>>>> "Ronan" == Ronan Waide <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Jack> I got tired of forgetting to define the variable RM and having
Jack> problems with building the autoloads file, so I made some
Jack> patches.

Ronan> I gotta say, I still don't see where this problem is coming
Ronan> from. 

You said this last time, too. :-)

Ronan> If you do "make -p | grep RM", do you get anything
Ronan> useful? 

make: illegal option -- p
usage: make [-Beiknqrstv] [-D variable] [-d flags] [-E variable] [-f makefile]
            [-I directory] [-j max_jobs] [-m directory] [-V variable]
            [variable=value] [target ...]

Ronan> I'm finding it hard to believe that someone's shipping a make
Ronan> variant without it defined, although this could well be one of
Ronan> those GNU vs. BSD things (I was going to check this, but evil
Ronan> demons have replaced pmake, which used be a BSD-compatible
Ronan> version of make, with "parallell make", I guess for people who
Ronan> can't type "make -j"...)

Yes, I think this is a case where I don't live in your brave GNU
world.  If you want to require gmake, feel free to do so, and to
modify the configure.in accordingly.  However, if you'd like for the
BSD world to "just work", then add this patch.  

Ronan> Cheers, Waider.

Jack Twilley
jmt at tbe dot net
http colon slash slash www dot tbe dot net slash tilde jmt slash

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