
have been happily using BBDB for a year or two now. Most recently got
a PalmPilot (an old III) and have set up PilotManager. Great setup,
just trying to understand it better.

BBDB is v 2.32
PilotManager is v. 1.07
SyncBBDB 2.3

1) It seems the Palm database format only has one email address. BBDB
   adds alternate email addresses as it notices them, but the Palm
   only gets the first one.

   I made a change to a record on the Palm, then on next sync it
   replaced the desktop BBDB's record with the Palm record, which only
   got the one email address, so I lost the alternates on the
   desktop. Is this the expected behavior? Any way to prevent it?
   Perhaps BBDB should add alternate addresses as a note?

2) Do I understand right that the names of the phone fields have to be
   the same as the names of the phone fields in the Palm? I had one
   phone record where I just called it "phone"; it didn't show up in
   the Palm. Which of cours means it could be wiped out later on the
   BBDB database. Maybe they all need to be one of

3) Is there a way to prevent BBDB from noticing and adding records for
   emails with empty from addresses? That is, if only email address,
   no personal name? Can't figure out if bbdb-ignore-some would do



Judah Milgram        [EMAIL PROTECTED]
P.O. Box 8376, Langley Park, MD 20787
(301) 422-4626 (-3047 fax)

BBDB Home Page: http://bbdb.sourceforge.net/

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