On July 1, [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:
> hmm.. then i am gonna try to program it.. unles sosmeone else can
> already do it in the blink of an eye and kindly mail/post the facility..
> any hints/pointers?  i was thinking along the lines of:
>       this fcn should repeatedly do what <tab> does in a
>       received-mail---> jump to a url/email, and there use
>       (thing-at-point 'email), and ask bbdb to create that name..

If your MTA highlights URLs with an overlay, you could simply loop
through the overlays and check what they're highlighting, then pass
that to BBDB.

Waider. Which is much the same as what you suggest :)
[EMAIL PROTECTED] / Yes, it /is/ very personal of me.

buzzard says, "If you are willing to put aside your kneejerk human speciesism,
    the AIs are perfectly sympathetically 'no worse' than humans." <matrix>

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