On July 13, [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Kai Großjohann) writes:
> > Typing `sarr M-TAB' expands like this:
> > Papa Amadou Sarr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > 
> > Typing `papa M-TAB' expands like this:
> > Papa Amadou Sarr <sarr@ls6>
> Ronan said that he was aware of this bug which reappeared after
> having been fixed.
> I guess you have 
>   Bbdb Completion Type: "Complete across names and net addresses"?
> My temporary solution is to set 
>   Bbdb Completion Type: "Complete across names and primary net addresses"
> Don't know if this is fixed in CVS.
> Cheers,
>   Colin

okay, i've looked at this, and for the first time some of the code
actually makes sense to me, and it's actually behaving
correctly. well, after a fashion. you've told it to complete across
all fields, and it's done that, and assumed you want the field it
completed on, which happens to be a secondary email address. because
the completion options are stored in a hashtable, the notion of
address priority gets lost, and once it's got the record bbdb can't
tell what you were trying to complete on in the first place.

well, that's a half-hearted stab at explaining what's going on. i can
see ways around it already, i think, but i need to prod the code some
more. and possibly get some sleep.

out of curiosity, if you hit m-tab again, does it present the right
address at any point?

[EMAIL PROTECTED] / Yes, it /is/ very personal of me.

"There is no place for subtlety in Mr. Action God's movies; they would get in
 the way of the fists of death and the helicopters of pain. " - SMC

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