On Fri, 31 Aug 2001, david x. callaway wrote:
> vm has for some while been distributed (optionally) as a single vm.elc
> instead of individual lisp files. can bbdb be made to build with this
> setup?

That's a really *bad* idea, no matter what. The *compiled* elisp is not
going to be the same across versions of the same fork, let alone between

I can think of half a dozen times that odd crashes have been found by
people playing with Emacs, only to discover that "I compiled it with the
other fork"...

There isn't a binary compatibility standard between the versions.
Distributing Lisp in that form is ... odd, especially as it's not going
to actually help anyone.

So, what actual /problem/ are you trying to solve?

Now that mountains of meaningless words and oceans divide us
And we each have our own set of stars to comfort and guide us
        -- Nick Cave, _Come Into My Sleep_

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