
> Perhaps you could give an exmaple of this "easy to transform" format?

Perhaps I oversimplified the situation a little.

The main point was that I'm able to convert the files to whatever
(within reason :-) format the import or merge procedure or utility

Now, the details: There are actually two adress lists (for two separate
bands :-).  One is a TeX input file and the other is an Excel file that
I export as a tab-separated text file.

The lines in the TeX file looks like

\musiker{Firstname Lastname}{Street address, city}{email address}{cell phone 
number}{home phone number}

and the lines of the exported Excel file looks like

Name    Address Instrument      home number     work number     cell phone      birth 
date      email address

With a little awk and perl, transforming these to for instance bbdb
format is not too difficult.

Bjørn-Helge Mevik  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

BBDB Home Page: http://bbdb.sourceforge.net/

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