On Thu, 01 Nov 2001, Simon Josefsson wrote:
> "Matt Armstrong" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:


>> though perhaps other characters should be allowed as well (*=!%,
>> etc. etc.).  In fact, perhaps all non-whitespace should be allowed
>> there -- or at least every character that doesn't require quoting.
> I think so, yes.  RFC 2822 doesn't make many restrictions on the
> left-hand side, if I remember correctly.

Nope. I could happily be 'daniel@[EMAIL PROTECTED]' and confuse the
heck out of those spam harvesters out there...

...except that I bet every MicroSoft MUA out there, not to mention every
webform, refuses to accept it. ;)

The same goes for pretty much anything in that LHS field, because it's
not actually part of the mail system, as such, but of the MTA at the
receiving host.


The fundamental delusion of humanity is to suppose
that I am here and you are there.
        -- Yasutani Roshi

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