I had the table.el loaded and because of it, the bbdb-to-outlook
stalled on the first address in the buffer.

Stalled means, it asked me for the filename, then never came
back.  When I C-g'd, the first element in the BBDB was written
out to a single line but no other lines.

I must state that I am using a much earlier version of BBDB than
the 2.32 version, 2.00.06.  I downloaded and installed the
latest, but then had a bug which I posted about converting my
bbdb database to the new version.

| From: Galen Boyer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
| Subject: Upgrade from 2.00.06 to 2.32, args-out-of-range on conversion
| Date: Thu, 22 Nov 2001 02:01:12 -0500
| After installing the latest BBDB, I tried M-x bbdb [ret] galen.
| I was asked if I would like to upgrade and I said yes.  I then
| and got the debugger error.  I also got a (error "catastrophic:
| bbdb-records recursed") when I tried to create a mail message.
| Emacs  : GNU Emacs 21.1.1 (i386-mingw-nt5.0.2195)
|  of 2001-10-22 on GALEN
| Package: BBDB 2.32

I haven't focused on that conversion, so I left the report alone
thinking the maintainers were probably mucho busy to be answering
all bugs and would get to it in time.  But, if I need to upgrade
to get an answer on this one, let me know.  I will go back and
try to figure it out.  Of course, others might just say, I
_really_ recommending you upgrade anyways...

Galen deForest Boyer
Sweet dreams and flying machines in pieces on the ground.

BBDB Home Page: http://bbdb.sourceforge.net/

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