
I have been working with BBDB 2.33 (with Gnus) for several months and have
been bugged by two problems.

1. I thought BBDB used to be able to understand that "Vinson, Jack" was the
   same as "Jack Vinson."  However, with this version it is not able to
   equate these two names.  This frequently leads to two entries in the
   BBDB with the same net address.  When this happens, I get errors on
   entry of my Gnus groups, since I have the message list modified by known
   senders in the BBDB.  Or does this have something to do with a component
   like mail-extract that has changed?

2. It hasn't happened in a few weeks, but BBDB had been truncating the last
   letter from some net addresses, so that I have entries like "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
   instead of "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"  I have only found these after the fact, so I
   don't know what specific From line configuration is causing this.  This
   particular bug definitely started happening with 2.33.

[I have JUST upgraded to Emacs 21.1 and to Oort Gnus v0.03, but the first
problem is definitely still in existence.]


Jack Vinson

Emacs  : GNU Emacs 21.1.1 (i386-msvc-windows95.1212)
 of 2001-10-22 on buffy
Package: BBDB 2.33

current state:
 emacs-version "21.1.1"
 bbdb-version-date "$Date: 2001/05/21 11:36:47 $"
 bbdb-file-format 6
 bbdb-no-duplicates-p nil
 bbdb-address-editing-function 'bbdb-address-edit-default
 bbdb-address-formatting-alist '((bbdb-address-is-continental .
                                 (nil . bbdb-format-address-default))
 bbdb-after-change-hook '(bbdb/gnus-score-invalidate-alist)
 bbdb-after-read-db-hook nil
 bbdb-always-add-addresses nil
 bbdb-auto-notes-alist '(("From"
                          ("@keds.com" company
                           "Knowledge Express Data Systems")
                          ("ht.com" company "Hewlett Packard")
                          ("pppl.gov" company "Princeton Plasma Physics Lab")
                          ("wpafb.af.mil" company "Wright Patterson AFB")
                          ("gsfc.nasa.gov" company
                           "Goddard Space Flight Center")
                         ("Cc" ("bbdb@" . "BBDB mailing list")
                          ("supercite@" . "SuperCite list")
                          ("ding@ifi" . "Ding mailing list")
                          ("qphysics@" . "Qphysics list")
                          ("veg@flevel" . "Vegetarian list")
                          ("[EMAIL PROTECTED]" . "NTemacs list")
                          ("tandem@hobbes" . "Tandem mailing list")
                          ("[EMAIL PROTECTED]" . "CAST list")
                          ("[EMAIL PROTECTED]" . "CAST list")
                          ("[EMAIL PROTECTED]" . "BikeChi")
                          ("[EMAIL PROTECTED]" . "EBC")
                          ("[EMAIL PROTECTED]" .
                           "Midwest Rides List")
                          ("[EMAIL PROTECTED]" . "CCC")
                          ("[EMAIL PROTECTED]" . "CATS")
                          ("[EMAIL PROTECTED]" . "ThinkDB")
                          ("[EMAIL PROTECTED]" . "Veggie")
                          ("[EMAIL PROTECTED]" . "DateBook")
                          ("[EMAIL PROTECTED]" . "RoboRally")
                          ("[EMAIL PROTECTED]" . "Watchers")
                          ("@chicagoaa.org" . "CASO email"))
                         ("To" ("bbdb@" . "BBDB mailing list")
                          ("supercite@" . "SuperCite list")
                          ("ding@ifi" . "Ding mailing list")
                          ("qphysics@" . "Qphysics list")
                          ("veg@flevel" . "Vegetarian list")
                          ("[EMAIL PROTECTED]" . "NTemacs list")
                          ("tandem@hobbes" . "Tandem mailing list")
                          ("[EMAIL PROTECTED]" . "CAST list")
                          ("[EMAIL PROTECTED]" . "CAST list")
                          ("[EMAIL PROTECTED]" . "BikeChi")
                          ("[EMAIL PROTECTED]" . "EBC")
                          ("[EMAIL PROTECTED]" .
                           "Midwest Rides List")
                          ("[EMAIL PROTECTED]" . "CCC")
                          ("[EMAIL PROTECTED]" . "CATS")
                          ("[EMAIL PROTECTED]" . "ThinkDB")
                          ("[EMAIL PROTECTED]" . "Veggie")
                          ("[EMAIL PROTECTED]" . "DateBook")
                          ("[EMAIL PROTECTED]" . "RoboRally")
                          ("[EMAIL PROTECTED]" . "Watchers")
                          ("@chicagoaa.org" . "CASO email"))
                         ("Organization" (".*" company 0))
                         ("Subject" ("Cycling web page update" . "Bike Web")))
 bbdb-auto-notes-ignore '(("Organization" .
                           "^Gatewayed from\\|^Source only\\|^America 
Online\\|^AOL\\|Netcom\\|On-Ramp\\|PANIX\\|Internet America\\|TIAC\\|Internet 
Access\\|Public Access\\|Prodigy\\|Internet 
Online\\|TIAC\\|IQuest\\|BBS\\|none\\|InterAccess\\|Delphi\\|Internex Online\\|Dept. 
of Informatics\\|Praxis\\|CompuServe\\|ISO-2022\\|unknown")
 bbdb-auto-notes-ignore-all '(("From" . "[EMAIL PROTECTED]")
                              ("From" . "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"))
 bbdb-auto-revert-p nil
 bbdb-canonicalize-net-hook '(lambda (addr)
                                 (substring addr (match-beginning 1)
                                  (match-end 1))
                                 (substring addr (match-beginning 2)
                                  (match-end 2))
                                 (substring addr (match-beginning 1)
                                  (match-end 1))
                                 (substring addr (match-beginning 1)
                                  (match-end 1))
"\\`\\([^@]+@\\)\\(spectrum\\|mauve\\|pleiades\\)\\.cs\\.bucknell\\.edu\\'" addr)
                                 (substring addr (match-beginning 1)
                                  (match-end 1))
"\\`\\([^@]+@\\)\\(mail\\|mail.\\)\\.sas\\.upenn\\.edu\\'" addr)
                                 (substring addr (match-beginning 1)
                                  (match-end 1))
                                 (substring addr (match-beginning 1)
                                  (match-end 1))
                                 (substring addr (match-beginning 2)
                                  (match-end 2))
                                 "\\`\\([^@]+@\\).*\\.\\(cs\\.wisc\\.edu\\)\\'" addr)
                                 (substring addr (match-beginning 1)
                                  (match-end 1))
                                 (substring addr (match-beginning 2)
                                  (match-end 2))
                                 "\\`\\(kuehl+@\\).*\\.\\(uni-konstanz.de\\)\\'" addr)
                                "[EMAIL PROTECTED]")
                               (t addr))
 bbdb-canonicalize-redundant-nets-p t
 bbdb-case-fold-search t
 bbdb-change-hook 'bbdb-timestamp-hook
 bbdb-check-zip-codes-p t
 bbdb-complete-name-allow-cycling nil
 bbdb-complete-name-full-completion 5
 bbdb-complete-name-hooks '(ding)
 bbdb-completion-display-record nil
 bbdb-completion-type nil
 bbdb-continental-zip-regexp "^\\s *[A-Z][A-Z]?\\s *-\\s *[0-9][0-9][0-9]"
 bbdb-create-hook 'bbdb-creation-date-hook
 bbdb-default-area-code 847
 bbdb-default-domain nil
 bbdb-define-all-aliases-field 'mail-alias
 bbdb-dial-local-prefix nil
 bbdb-dial-local-prefix-alist '(((if bbdb-default-area-code
                                  (format "(%03d)" bbdb-default-area-code) "")
 bbdb-dial-long-distance-prefix nil
 bbdb-dwim-net-address-allow-redundancy nil
 bbdb-electric-p nil
 bbdb-elided-display nil
 bbdb-elided-display-fields nil
 bbdb-elided-display-name-end 48
 bbdb-expand-mail-aliases t
 bbdb-extract-address-component-handler 'message
"\\(\\(undisclosed\\|unlisted\\)[^,]*recipients\\)\\|no To-header on input"
 bbdb-extract-address-component-regexps '(("\"'\\([^\"]*\\)'\"\\s-*<\\([^>]+\\)>"
(match-string 1 adstring)
(match-string 1 adstring)
                                          ("\\(\\b[^<,]*\\b\\)\\s-*<\\([^>]+\\)>" 1 2)
                                          ("<\\([^>]+\\)>" nil 2)
2 1)
    (match-string 2 adstring)
("\\b\\(\\([0-9a-z._-]+\\)@[0-9a-z._-]+\\)\\b" nil 1)
                                          ("\\b\\([0-9a-z._-]+\\)\\b" nil 1))
 bbdb-file "C:/.bbdb"
 bbdb-file-remote nil
 bbdb-file-remote-save-always t
 bbdb-finger-buffer-name "*finger*"
 bbdb-finger-host-field 'finger-host
 bbdb-get-addresses-from-headers '("From" "Resent-From" "Reply-To")
 bbdb-get-addresses-headers '("From" "Resent-From" "Reply-To" "Resent-To"
                              "Resent-CC" "To" "CC" "BCC")
 bbdb-get-addresses-to-headers '("Resent-To" "Resent-CC" "To" "CC" "BCC")
 bbdb-get-only-first-address-p t
 bbdb-gui nil
 bbdb-hashtable-size 1021
 bbdb-ignore-most-messages-alist nil
 bbdb-ignore-selected-messages-confirmation nil
 bbdb-ignore-some-messages-alist '(("From" . "InSync Online")
                                   ("From" . "daemon")
                                   ("From" . "mailer-daemon")
                                   ("From" . "delivery system")
                                   ("From" . "postmaster")
                                   ("From" . "listmaster")
                                   ("From" . "post office") ("From" . "root")
                                   ("From" . "unknown") ("From" . "operator")
                                   ("From" . "delivery") ("From" . "administ")
                                   ("From" . "via the vacation program")
                                   ("From" . "hotmail.com"))
 bbdb-info-file nil
 bbdb-initialize-hook nil
 bbdb-legal-zip-codes '("^$"
                        "^[     \n]*[0-9][0-9]?[0-9]?[0-9]?[0-9]?[0-9]?[        \n]*$" 
"^[      \n]*\\([0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]\\)[    \n]*-?[         
\n]*\\([0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]?\\)[        \n]*$" "^[      \n]*\\([A-Za-z0-9]+\\)[        
 \n]+\\([A-Za-z0-9]+\\)[         \n]*$" "^[      \n]*\\([A-Z]+\\)[       \n]*-?[       
  \n]*\\([0-9]+ ?[A-Z]*\\)[       \n]*$" "^[      \n]*\\([A-Z]+\\)[       \n]*-?[      
   \n]*\\([0-9]+\\)[       \n]+\\([0-9]+\\)[       \n]*$")
 bbdb-list-hook nil
 bbdb-load-hook '((lambda nil (load "bbdb-extras")))
 bbdb-message-caching-enabled nil
 bbdb-message-marker-field 'mark-char
 bbdb-mode-hook nil
 bbdb-modem-device "/dev/modem"
 bbdb-modem-dial nil
 bbdb-new-nets-always-primary nil
 bbdb-north-american-phone-numbers-p t
 bbdb-notes-default-separator ", "
 bbdb-notes-sort-order '((notes . 0) (www . 1) (ftp . 2) (gopher . 3)
                         (telnet . 4) (mail-alias . 5) (mail-folder . 6)
                         (lpr . 7) (creation-date . 1000) (timestamp . 1001))
 bbdb-notice-auto-save-file nil
 bbdb-notice-hook '(bbdb-auto-notes-hook)
 bbdb-offer-save t
 bbdb-pop-up-elided-display nil
 bbdb-pop-up-target-lines 5
 bbdb-quiet-about-name-mismatches nil
 bbdb-readonly-p nil
 bbdb-refile-notes-default-merge-function 'bbdb-refile-notes-default-merge-function
 bbdb-refile-notes-generate-alist '((creation-date .
                                    (timestamp . bbdb-refile-notes-string-most)
 bbdb-save-db-timeout 0
 bbdb-send-mail-style 'compose-mail
 bbdb-silent-running nil
 bbdb-snarf-web-prop 'www
 bbdb-sound-files ["/usr/demo/SOUND/sounds/touchtone.0.au" 
"/usr/demo/SOUND/sounds/touchtone.1.au" "/usr/demo/SOUND/sounds/touchtone.2.au" 
"/usr/demo/SOUND/sounds/touchtone.3.au" "/usr/demo/SOUND/sounds/touchtone.4.au" 
"/usr/demo/SOUND/sounds/touchtone.5.au" "/usr/demo/SOUND/sounds/touchtone.6.au" 
"/usr/demo/SOUND/sounds/touchtone.7.au" "/usr/demo/SOUND/sounds/touchtone.8.au" 
"/usr/demo/SOUND/sounds/touchtone.9.au" "/usr/demo/SOUND/sounds/touchtone.pound.au" 
 bbdb-sound-player "/usr/demo/SOUND/play"
 bbdb-time-display-format "%d %b %Y"
 bbdb-update-records-mode 'annotating
 bbdb-use-alternate-names t
 bbdb-use-pop-up nil
 bbdb-user-mail-names "jvinson@.*"
 bbdb-write-file-hooks '(bbdb-write-file-hook-fn)
 bbdb/gnus-lines-and-from-length 18
 bbdb/gnus-score-default nil
 bbdb/gnus-score-field 'gnus-score
 bbdb/gnus-split-crosspost-default nil
 bbdb/gnus-split-default-group "mail.misc"
 bbdb/gnus-split-myaddr-regexp "^Valued Sony Customer$\\|^Valued Sony 
 bbdb/gnus-split-nomatch-function nil
 bbdb/gnus-split-private-field 'gnus-private
 bbdb/gnus-split-public-field 'gnus-public
 bbdb/gnus-summary-in-bbdb-format-letter "b"
 bbdb/gnus-summary-known-poster-mark "*"
 bbdb/gnus-summary-mark-known-posters t
 bbdb/gnus-summary-prefer-bbdb-data t
 bbdb/gnus-summary-prefer-real-names t
 bbdb/gnus-summary-show-bbdb-names t
 bbdb/gnus-summary-user-format-letter "B"
 bbdb/gnus-update-records-mode 'annotating
 bbdb/mail-auto-create-p t
 bbdb/news-auto-create-p nil
 bbdb/vm-set-auto-folder-alist-field 'vm-folder
 features '(reporter nnvirtual dired-aux texinfmt debug texnfo-upd texinfo
            mule-util dired pp info tool-bar ediff-merg ediff-diff ediff-wind
            ediff-help ediff-util ediff-mult ediff-init ediff diff compile
            diff-mode easy-mmode newcomment supercite regi mailalias smtpmail
            time-stamp ispell gin-mode bbdb-hooks sort gnus-cite gnus-async
            gnus-score score-mode mail-extr gnus-ml gnus-msg viet-util view
            bbdb-gnus bbdb-snarf nntp nndoc pop3 nnslashdot nnweb w3-forms w3
            w3-menu url-news url-gw w3-java w3-script w3-jscript w3-elisp
            cus-edit cus-start cus-load w3-emulate w3-auto w3-parse url mm
            w3-display w3-mouse w3-imap w3-widget w3-vars w3-keyword w3-cus
            url-parse url-vars css font devices ange-ftp mule-sysdp w3-cfg
            w3-sysdp nnfolder nndraft nnmh nnml gnus-cache gnus-art mm-uu
            binhex uudecode wid-edit mm-view gnus-sum nnoo gnus-topic
            gnus-group gnus-undo nnmail mail-source format-spec gnus-start
            gnus-range gnus-spec gnus-int gnus-win gnus gnus-ems mailabbrev
            sendmail bbdb-com bbdb timezone message mml easymenu mml-sec
            mml-smime mml2015 gpg cl cl-19 smime comint ring dig mm-decode
            mm-bodies mm-encode mailcap mail-parse rfc2045 rfc2231 rfc2047 qp
            ietf-drums mailheader gnus-util time-date parse-time nnheader
            mail-utils mm-util mail-prsvr time image jit-lock font-lock
            regexp-opt jka-compr uniquify bbdb-autoloads byte-opt bytecomp
            byte-compile advice advice-preload fontset ediff-hook vc-hooks
            lisp-float-type dos-w32 disp-table ls-lisp lisp-mode page menu-bar
            timer select scroll-bar mldrag mouse facemenu faces cus-face frame
            misc-lang vietnamese tibetan thai lao korean japanese hebrew greek
            romanian slovak czech european ethiopic devanagari indian cyrillic
            chinese case-table help overlay md5 base64 format mule env
            backquote custom widget)

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