On , January 21, 2002 at 17:41:12, Sergei Pokrovsky wrote:
> Is there anything for psion/revo handheld synchronization (or even
> simplex transfer)?  Or, maybe, via M$ Offiice or Lotus?

AFAIK only for Palm.

But you may use the following function to export some part
of your BBDB to a "comma separated values" file which can be
imported by Outlook.  Place the records you want to export
in the BBDB buffer and then call the function from within

Look at the export of Outlook in order to get the right
field names and adjust them.

Bye Robert

(defun rf-bbdb-csv-export ()
  "Write a CSV file with the names and email addresses of friends."
  (let ((records bbdb-records)
        firstname lastname
        address street zip city country
        phones telpriv teljob mobile fax
        nets email email2
        rawnotes birthday www notes mailalias
        (fields '(("nickname" mailalias)
                  ("Vorname" firstname)
                  ("Nachname" lastname)
                  ("Straße privat" street)
                  ("Postleitzahl privat" zip)
                  ("Ort privat" city)
                  ("Staat privat" country)
                  ("Geburtstag" birthday)
                  ("Notizen" notes)
                  ("Web-Seite" www)
                  ("E-Mail-Adresse" email)
                  ("E-Mail 2: Adresse" email2)
                  ("Telefon privat" telpriv)
                  ("Telefon geschäftlich" teljob)
                  ("Mobilfunktelefon" mobile)
                  ("Fax privat" fax)
    (find-file "~/bbdb.csv")
    (let ((fields fields))
      (while fields
        (insert (format "%S" (caar fields)) (if (cdr fields) "," ""))
        (setq fields (cdr fields)))
      (insert "\n"))
    (while records
      (setq rec (caar records)
            records (cdr records))
      (setq firstname   (bbdb-record-firstname rec)
            lastname    (bbdb-record-lastname rec)
            addr        (cadr (assoc "home"
                                    (mapcar (lambda (p) (list (aref p 0) p))
                                            (bbdb-record-addresses rec))))
            street      (and addr (bbdb-address-streets addr))
            street      (if street (mapconcat 'identity street ", "))
            zip         (and addr (bbdb-address-zip addr))
            city        (and addr (bbdb-address-city addr))
            country     (and addr (bbdb-address-country addr))
            phones      (mapcar (lambda (p) (list (aref p 0) p))
                                (bbdb-record-phones rec))
            telpriv     (and phones (assoc "home" phones)
                             (aref (cadr (assoc "home" phones)) 1))
            teljob      (and phones (assoc "job" phones)
                             (aref (cadr (assoc "job" phones)) 1))
            mobile      (and phones (assoc "mobile" phones)
                             (aref (cadr (assoc "mobile" phones)) 1))
            fax         (and phones (assoc "fax" phones)
                             (aref (cadr (assoc "fax" phones)) 1))
            nets        (bbdb-record-net rec)
            email       (car nets)
            email2      (cadr nets)
            rawnotes    (bbdb-record-raw-notes rec)
            notes       (bbdb-record-notes rec)
            birthday    (and (assoc 'birthday rawnotes)
                             (cdr (assoc 'birthday rawnotes)))
            mailalias  (and (assoc 'mail-alias rawnotes)
                             (car (bbdb-split
                                   (cdr (assoc 'mail-alias rawnotes))
            www         (and (assoc 'www rawnotes)
                             (cdr (assoc 'www rawnotes))))
      (let ((fields fields))
        (while fields
          (insert (format "%S" (or (eval (cadar fields)) ""))
                  (if (cdr fields) "," ""))
          (setq fields (cdr fields))))
      (insert "\n"))))

BBDB Home Page: http://bbdb.sourceforge.net/

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