Please change the Subject header to a concise bug description.
In this report, remember to cover the basics, that is, what you expected to
happen and what in fact did happen.  Please remove these
instructions from your message.

this problem arose only in the past 2 days in the CVS version:

1) /usr/local/emacs/src/emacs -q --no-site-file -l .emacs-debug-bbdb 
2) M-x BBDB<ret>waider<ret>

here is the error message/ backtrace: I think this happens only in
records that have a phone field.

Debugger entered--Lisp error: (args-out-of-range 67 84)
  put-text-property(67 84 bbdb-field (phone ["work" 609 999 9999 0] "work"))
  bbdb-format-record-layout-multi-line(multi-line ["Ronan" "Waide" nil nil (["work" 
609 999 9999 0]) (["Home" ... "" "" "" ""] ["work" ... "" "" "" ""]) 
"1999-09-27") (timestamp . "2002-02-03")) ["Ronan Waide" nil #<marker at 251633 in 
.bbdb> nil]] (phones addresses net aka))
  bbdb-format-record(["Ronan" "Waide" nil nil (["work" 609 999 9999 0]) (["Home" ... 
"" "" "" ""] ["work" ... "" "" "" ""]) ("[EMAIL PROTECTED]" "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" 
"[EMAIL PROTECTED]") ((creation-date . "1999-09-27") (timestamp . "2002-02-03")) ["Ronan 
Waide" nil #<marker at 251633 in .bbdb> nil]] nil)
  bbdb-display-records-1((["Bbdb" "" nil nil nil nil ("[EMAIL PROTECTED]") (... ...) 
["Bbdb" nil #<marker at 20867 in .bbdb> nil]] ["Ronan" "Waide" nil nil (["work" 609 
999 9999 0]) (["Home" ... "" "" "" ""] ["work" ... "" "" "" ""]) ("[EMAIL PROTECTED]" 
"[EMAIL PROTECTED]" "[EMAIL PROTECTED]") (... ...) ["Ronan Waide" nil #<marker at 
251633 in .bbdb> nil]]) nil nil)
  bbdb-display-records((["Bbdb" "" nil nil nil nil ("[EMAIL PROTECTED]") (... ...) 
["Bbdb" nil #<marker at 20867 in .bbdb> nil]] ["Ronan" "Waide" nil nil (["work" 609 
999 9999 0]) (["Home" ... "" "" "" ""] ["work" ... "" "" "" ""]) ("[EMAIL PROTECTED]" 
"[EMAIL PROTECTED]" "[EMAIL PROTECTED]") (... ...) ["Ronan Waide" nil #<marker at 
251633 in .bbdb> nil]]))
  bbdb("waider" nil)
* call-interactively(bbdb)

Emacs  : GNU Emacs (i686-pc-linux-gnu, X toolkit, Xaw3d scroll bars)
 of 2002-02-03 on beach
Package: BBDB 2.35

current state:
 emacs-version ""
 bbdb-version-date "$Date: 2002/02/01 12:18:47 $"
 bbdb-file-format 6
 bbdb-no-duplicates-p nil
 bbdb-address-editing-function 'bbdb-address-edit-default
 bbdb-address-formatting-alist '((bbdb-address-is-continental . 
                                 (nil . bbdb-format-address-default))
 bbdb-addresses-label-list '("Home" "Office" "Mobile" "Other" "work" "Lamont, work" 
"IOLR" "address"
                             "UCLA (for ticket delivery)" "home" "home lamont" "Univ 
                             "office" "old work" "ncep" "cola" "US office" "rented 
home" "gfdl"
                             "Department of Physics" "gfdl work")
 bbdb-after-change-hook nil
 bbdb-after-read-db-hook nil
 bbdb-always-add-addresses nil
 bbdb-auto-notes-alist nil
 bbdb-auto-notes-ignore nil
 bbdb-auto-notes-ignore-all nil
 bbdb-auto-revert-p nil
 bbdb-canonicalize-net-hook nil
 bbdb-canonicalize-redundant-nets-p t
 bbdb-case-fold-search t
 bbdb-change-hook 'bbdb-timestamp-hook
 bbdb-check-zip-codes-p nil
 bbdb-complete-name-allow-cycling nil
 bbdb-complete-name-full-completion 5
 bbdb-complete-name-hooks '(ding)
 bbdb-completion-display-record nil
 bbdb-completion-type 'primary-or-name
 bbdb-continental-zip-regexp "^\\s *[A-Z][A-Z]?\\s *-\\s *[0-9][0-9][0-9]"
 bbdb-create-hook 'bbdb-creation-date-hook
 bbdb-default-area-code 609
 bbdb-default-country "Emacs"
 bbdb-default-domain nil
 bbdb-default-label-list '("Home" "Office" "Mobile" "Other")
 bbdb-define-all-aliases-field 'mail-alias
 bbdb-define-all-aliases-mode 'first
 bbdb-dial-local-prefix nil
 bbdb-dial-local-prefix-alist '(((if bbdb-default-area-code (format "(%03d)" 
bbdb-default-area-code) "")
 bbdb-dial-long-distance-prefix nil
 bbdb-display-layout nil
 bbdb-display-layout-alist '((one-line (order phones mail-alias net notes) (name-end . 
24) (toggle . t))
                             (multi-line (omit creation-date timestamp) (toggle . t)) 
 bbdb-dont-autocreate-for-message-text-alist '("emacs-pretest")
 bbdb-dwim-net-address-allow-redundancy t
 bbdb-electric-p nil
 bbdb-expand-mail-aliases t
 bbdb-file "~/.bbdb"
 bbdb-file-remote nil
 bbdb-file-remote-save-always t
 bbdb-finger-buffer-name "*finger*"
 bbdb-finger-host-field 'finger-host
 bbdb-get-addresses-headers '((authors "From" "Resent-From" "Reply-To")
                              (recipients "Resent-To" "Resent-CC" "To" "CC" "BCC"))
 bbdb-get-only-first-address-p t
 bbdb-gui t
 bbdb-hashtable-size 1021
 bbdb-ignore-most-messages-alist nil
 bbdb-ignore-selected-messages-confirmation nil
 bbdb-ignore-some-messages-alist nil
 bbdb-info-file nil
 bbdb-initialize-hook nil
 bbdb-legal-zip-codes '("^$" "^[        \n]*[0-9][0-9]?[0-9]?[0-9]?[0-9]?[0-9]?[       
                        "^[     \n]*\\([0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]\\)[    \n]*-?[        
 \n]*\\([0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]?\\)[        \n]*$" "^[      \n]*\\([A-Za-z0-9]+\\)[       
  \n]+\\([A-Za-z0-9]+\\)[         \n]*$" "^[      \n]*\\([A-Z]+\\)[       \n]*-?[      
   \n]*\\([0-9]+ ?[A-Z]*\\)[       \n]*$" "^[      \n]*\\([A-Z]+\\)[       \n]*-?[     
    \n]*\\([0-9]+\\)[       \n]+\\([0-9]+\\)[       \n]*$")
 bbdb-list-hook nil
 bbdb-load-hook nil
 bbdb-message-caching-enabled t
 bbdb-mode-hook nil
 bbdb-modem-device "/dev/modem"
 bbdb-modem-dial nil
 bbdb-new-nets-always-primary nil
 bbdb-north-american-phone-numbers-p t
 bbdb-notes-default-separator ", "
 bbdb-notes-sort-order '((notes . 0) (www . 1) (ftp . 2) (gopher . 3) (telnet . 4) 
(mail-alias . 5)
                         (mail-folder . 6) (lpr . 7) (creation-date . 1000) (timestamp 
. 1001))
 bbdb-notice-auto-save-file nil
 bbdb-notice-hook nil
 bbdb-offer-save t
 bbdb-phones-label-list '("Home" "Office" "Mobile" "Other" "work" "fax" "work 
(secondary)" "home"
                          "Lamont, work" "Lamont, fax" "Lamont, home" "cellular" 
"cellular gilad"
                          "grants office" "academic secretary office" "anat daughter 
of yael"
                          "keren or neta-li" "carmit" "Michal Shmaya, Nes Ziona (from 
Adi Bachar)"
                          "Orit Yami (from Adi Bachar)" "bank" "Lucia" "another fax" 
                          "sayre hall" "work, secondary" "work-direct" "summer home" 
"Laura's home"
                          "tel" "airport" "Cellular" "general" "sherut" "phone" "work, 
                          "work, Fiege" "UCLA summer 98" #("ph" 0 2 (rmail-fontified 
                          "secondary work" "horim" "Orli" "mother in israel"
                          "(temp) near mother in israel" "office" "home rehovot" "old 
home, lamont"
                          "work, lamont" "fax lamont" "new home, lamont" "ipo office"
                          "vice president office" "IRIS MERSEL" "pchelp" "help desk" 
"direct fax"
                          "MBL fax" "MBL operator" "Hopkins"
                          #("Telephone" 0 9 (face font-lock-string-face))
                          #("Fax" 0 3 (face font-lock-string-face)) "work, 2nd" 
"parents in israel"
                          "lab" "theoretical" "experimental"
                          #("Phone" 0 5
                            (duplicable t rear-nonsticky nil front-sticky t end-open 
nil start-open nil
                             html-stack ((strong) (p) (bodytext) (body) (html) 
(*document)) face
                             (w3-style-face-00049 w3-style-face-00000 
                              w3-style-face-00000 w3-style-face-00000)
                          "mercaz tipuli (renanim)" "hebrew U" "yoram, hebrew 
university" "einat, home"
                          "offer, cellular" "work 1" "work 2" "work UCLA" "fax UCLA" 
"work NCAR"
                          "fax NCAR" "Ramit, cellular, IL" "Eric, cellular, IL" "home2"
                          "work, princeton" "fax, princeton" "home, princeton" 
"home-2" "yechiel"
                          "anaf hydrographya (Avner)" "misrad miluim" "nearby fax" 
                          "Yevgeny, Alexey, Victor" "fax misrad miluim" "leave msgs 
24h" "secrertary"
                          "Sayre Hall" "Guyot Hall" "old work" "old fax" "Russia" 
"Russia, Fax" "ncep"
                          "ncep, Fax" "tel in Venice" "Andrea's office" "fax in Venice"
                          "dorothy (typist)" "kim (secretary)" "cellular vered" 
"cellular yinon"
                          "Beer Sheva" "Francoise" "celular" "cellular in Israel" 
"parents home" "gan"
                          "parents of irit" "parents of ziv" "computer room"
                          "fax (via box at housing office)" "work2"
                          "fax, center for global change science" "less good fax" 
"cellular barak"
                          "cellular limor" "gfdl work" "gfdl Fax" "cellular gal" 
"Office Phone"
                          "confidential fax" "cellular vivi" "yosi")
 bbdb-pop-up-display-layout nil
 bbdb-pop-up-target-lines 5
 bbdb-print-alist '((omit-area-code . "^(609) ") (phone-on-first-line)
                    (include-files "bbdb-print" "bbdb-cols") (columns . 1) 
(n-addresses . 1)
                    (n-phones . 0) (separator . 0) (ps-fonts . t) (font-size . 12)
                    (quad-hsize . "6.0in") (quad-vsize . "4.5in"))
 bbdb-print-brief-alist '((columns . 1) (separator . 1) (n-phones . 2) (n-addresses . 
                          (include-files "bbdb-print-brief" "bbdb-cols"))
 bbdb-print-epilog "\\bye\n"
 bbdb-print-file-name "/tmp/bbdb.tex"
 bbdb-print-full-alist nil
 bbdb-print-net 'primary
 bbdb-print-omit-fields '(tex-name aka mail-alias nic nic-updated creation-date 
timestamp notes net
                          home fax company www ftp)
 bbdb-print-prolog "%%%% ====== Phone/Address list in -*-TeX-*- Format =====\n%%%%     
   produced by bbdb-print, version 3.0\n\n"
 bbdb-print-require '(or address phone)
 bbdb-quiet-about-name-mismatches nil
 bbdb-readonly-p nil
 bbdb-refile-notes-default-merge-function 'bbdb-refile-notes-default-merge-function
 bbdb-refile-notes-generate-alist '((creation-date . bbdb-refile-notes-string-least)
                                    (timestamp . bbdb-refile-notes-string-most))
 bbdb-save-db-timeout nil
 bbdb-send-mail-style 'message
 bbdb-silent-running nil
 bbdb-sound-files ["/home/eli/etc/Emacs/sounds/0.wav" 
"/home/eli/etc/Emacs/sounds/1.wav" "/home/eli/etc/Emacs/sounds/2.wav" 
"/home/eli/etc/Emacs/sounds/3.wav" "/home/eli/etc/Emacs/sounds/4.wav" 
"/home/eli/etc/Emacs/sounds/5.wav" "/home/eli/etc/Emacs/sounds/6.wav" 
"/home/eli/etc/Emacs/sounds/7.wav" "/home/eli/etc/Emacs/sounds/8.wav" 
"/home/eli/etc/Emacs/sounds/9.wav" "/home/eli/etc/Emacs/sounds/numsign.wav" 
 bbdb-sound-player "~/bin/play"
 bbdb-time-display-format "%d %b %Y"
 bbdb-update-records-mode 'annotating
 bbdb-use-alternate-names t
 bbdb-use-pop-up t
 bbdb-user-mail-names "\\beli\\b"
 bbdb-write-file-hooks '(bbdb-write-file-hook-fn)
 bbdb/mail-auto-create-p 'rmail-spam-filter-bbdb-dont-create-entries-for-spam
 bbdb/news-auto-create-p nil
 bbdb/vm-set-auto-folder-alist-field 'vm-folder
 bbdb/vm-set-auto-folder-alist-headers '("From:" "To:" "CC:")
 features '(reporter view bbdb-hooks newcomment gnus-msg gnus-art mm-uu binhex 
uudecode mm-view
            gnus-sum nnoo gnus-group gnus-undo nnmail mail-source gnus-start 
gnus-range gnus-spec
            gnus-int gnus-win gnus gnus-ems bbdb-gui mail-extr undigest bbdb-rmail 
goto-addr thingatpt
            rmail-mime mime-view mailcap-flim calist mime eword-decode mel mime-def 
std11 emu invisible
            inv-19 mcharset mcs-e20 mcs-20 poem poem-e20 poem-e20_3 poem-20 appt 
cal-china lunar solar
            cal-dst cal-persia cal-islam cal-julian cal-hebrew holidays cal-move 
mule-util server
            url-auto w3-auto pop3 rmailsum rmail mime-setup mail-mime-setup alist 
semi-setup path-util
            semi-def poe bbdb-print bbdb-com mailabbrev sendmail flyspell ispell 
message mml mm-decode
            mm-bodies mm-encode mailcap mail-parse rfc2045 rfc2047 gnus-util qp 
rfc2231 ietf-drums
            time-date parse-time nnheader mm-util mail-prsvr mail-utils mailheader 
bbdb-autoloads bbdb
            help-fns help-mode button timezone dired-efap printing cus-edit cus-start 
ps-print lpr
            dired-x dired-aux dired telnet rect-mark delsel dict-web diary-lib 
calendar cal-menu rect
            ffap x-symbol-emacs lucid cl cl-19 x-symbol-hooks x-symbol-autoloads 
preview prv-emacs
            font-latex tex-site jit-lock font-lock syntax edmacro jka-compr regexp-opt 
image-file time
            mwheel recentf wid-edit easymenu uniquify tramp advice advice-preload 
shell comint ring
            format-spec tooltip image tool-bar disp-table fontset ediff-hook vc-hooks 
            lisp-mode page menu-bar timer select scroll-bar mldrag mouse facemenu 
frame georgian
            utf-8-lang misc-lang vietnamese tibetan thai lao korean japanese hebrew 
greek romanian
            slovak czech european ethiopic devanagari indian cyrillic chinese 
case-table help faces
            cus-face text-properties overlay md5 base64 format mule env backquote 
custom widget

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