i found a bug in bbdb 2.34.  i presume this only can happen if you have
minibuffer-max-depth set to nil (or something else != 1).  how i did it:

- i called up a record, did bbdb-insert-new-field, and started entering it
  (i did it for an address).

- then, without quitting from the insert, i opened another record to check
  some information.  (i did it with other-window and bbdb/vm-show-sender.)

- then i did other-window to get back to the minibuffer and continued
  editing my address.

- bug!  the address was entered into the NEW record, not the one i
  originally said i wanted to add it to.  i consider this is a bug,
  because bbdb-insert-new-field shouldn't change its target in the middle
  of an edit.

john f whitehead
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                                http://www.well.com/~jfw

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