SUMMARY OF PROBLEM: completion does not work when name and email
address are the same and when using primary-or-name.

To reproduce this problem:

1) emacs -q --no-site-file -l ~/.emacs-debug-bbdb &

2) where ~/.emacs-debug-bbdb  is

    (setq bbdb-dir (expand-file-name "~/etc/Emacs/bbdb"))
    (setq load-path (append (list (concat bbdb-dir "/lisp")) load-path))
    (require 'bbdb)
    (bbdb-initialize 'rmail 'message)
    (setq mail-user-agent (quote gnus-user-agent))
    (setq bbdb-completion-type (quote primary-or-name))

3) then, c-x m to start composing a new mail message

4) I have an entry in my BBDB data base that looks like this

first last - The Company
            net: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

5) I type in the new mail buffer, in the "to:" field the first name
   "first" and hit M-tab to complete.  the completion buffer looks
   like this

            Click <mouse-2> on a completion to select it.
            In this buffer, type RET to select the completion near point.

            There are no possible completions of what you have typed.

6) if I type "first l" and press M-tab, completion works OK.

Emacs  : GNU Emacs (i686-pc-linux-gnu, X toolkit, Xaw3d scroll bars)
 of 2002-03-12 on beach
Package: BBDB 2.35

current state:
 emacs-version ""
 bbdb-version-date "$Date: 2002/03/11 20:48:59 $"
 bbdb-file-format 6
 bbdb-no-duplicates-p nil
 bbdb-address-editing-function 'bbdb-address-edit-default
 bbdb-address-formatting-alist '((bbdb-address-is-continental .
                                 (nil . bbdb-format-address-default))
 bbdb-addresses-label-list '("Home" "Office" "Mobile" "Other" "work"
 bbdb-after-change-hook nil
 bbdb-after-read-db-hook nil
 bbdb-always-add-addresses nil
 bbdb-auto-revert-p nil
 bbdb-canonicalize-net-hook nil
 bbdb-canonicalize-redundant-nets-p t
 bbdb-case-fold-search t
 bbdb-change-hook 'bbdb-timestamp-hook
 bbdb-check-zip-codes-p t
 bbdb-complete-name-allow-cycling nil
 bbdb-complete-name-hooks '(ding)
 bbdb-completion-display-record t
 bbdb-completion-type 'primary-or-name
 bbdb-continental-zip-regexp "^\\s *[A-Z][A-Z]?\\s *-\\s *[0-9][0-9][0-9]"
 bbdb-create-hook 'bbdb-creation-date-hook
 bbdb-default-area-code nil
 bbdb-default-country "Emacs"
 bbdb-default-domain nil
 bbdb-default-label-list '("Home" "Office" "Mobile" "Other")
 bbdb-define-all-aliases-field 'mail-alias
 bbdb-define-all-aliases-mode 'first
 bbdb-dial-local-prefix nil
 bbdb-dial-local-prefix-alist '(((if (integerp bbdb-default-area-code)
                                  (format "(%03d)" bbdb-default-area-code)
                                  (or bbdb-default-area-code ""))
 bbdb-dial-long-distance-prefix nil
 bbdb-display-layout nil
 bbdb-display-layout-alist '((one-line (order phones mail-alias net notes)
                              (name-end . 24) (toggle . t))
                             (multi-line (omit creation-date timestamp)
                              (toggle . t))
 bbdb-dwim-net-address-allow-redundancy nil
 bbdb-electric-p nil
 bbdb-expand-mail-aliases t
 bbdb-file "~/.bbdb"
 bbdb-file-remote nil
 bbdb-file-remote-save-always t
 bbdb-finger-buffer-name "*finger*"
 bbdb-finger-host-field 'finger-host
 bbdb-get-addresses-headers '((authors "From" "Resent-From" "Reply-To")
                              (recipients "Resent-To" "Resent-CC" "To" "CC"
 bbdb-get-only-first-address-p t
 bbdb-gui t
 bbdb-hashtable-size 1021
 bbdb-info-file nil
 bbdb-initialize-hook nil
 bbdb-legal-zip-codes '("^$"
                        "^[     \n]*[0-9][0-9]?[0-9]?[0-9]?[0-9]?[0-9]?[        \n]*$" 
"^[      \n]*\\([0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]\\)[    \n]*-?[         
\n]*\\([0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]?\\)[        \n]*$" "^[      \n]*\\([A-Za-z0-9]+\\)[        
 \n]+\\([A-Za-z0-9]+\\)[         \n]*$" "^[      \n]*\\([A-Z]+\\)[       \n]*-?[       
  \n]*\\([0-9]+ ?[A-Z]*\\)[       \n]*$" "^[      \n]*\\([A-Z]+\\)[       \n]*-?[      
   \n]*\\([0-9]+\\)[       \n]+\\([0-9]+\\)[       \n]*$")
 bbdb-list-hook nil
 bbdb-load-hook nil
 bbdb-message-caching-enabled t
 bbdb-mode-hook nil
 bbdb-modem-device "/dev/modem"
 bbdb-modem-dial nil
 bbdb-new-nets-always-primary nil
 bbdb-north-american-phone-numbers-p t
 bbdb-notes-default-separator ", "
 bbdb-notes-sort-order '((notes . 0) (www . 1) (ftp . 2) (gopher . 3)
                         (telnet . 4) (mail-alias . 5) (mail-folder . 6)
                         (lpr . 7) (creation-date . 1000) (timestamp . 1001))
 bbdb-notice-auto-save-file nil
 bbdb-notice-hook nil
 bbdb-offer-save t
 bbdb-phones-label-list '("Home" "Office" "Mobile" "Other" "work" "fax"
 bbdb-pop-up-display-layout nil
 bbdb-pop-up-target-lines 5
 bbdb-quiet-about-name-mismatches nil
 bbdb-readonly-p nil
 bbdb-refile-notes-default-merge-function 'bbdb-refile-notes-default-merge-function
 bbdb-refile-notes-generate-alist '((creation-date .
                                    (timestamp . bbdb-refile-notes-string-most)
 bbdb-save-db-timeout nil
 bbdb-send-mail-style nil
 bbdb-silent-running nil
 bbdb-sound-files ["/usr/demo/SOUND/sounds/" 
"/usr/demo/SOUND/sounds/" "/usr/demo/SOUND/sounds/" 
"/usr/demo/SOUND/sounds/" "/usr/demo/SOUND/sounds/" 
"/usr/demo/SOUND/sounds/" "/usr/demo/SOUND/sounds/" 
"/usr/demo/SOUND/sounds/" "/usr/demo/SOUND/sounds/" 
"/usr/demo/SOUND/sounds/" "/usr/demo/SOUND/sounds/" 
 bbdb-sound-player "/usr/demo/SOUND/play"
 bbdb-sound-volume 50
 bbdb-time-display-format "%d %b %Y"
 bbdb-update-records-mode 'annotating
 bbdb-use-alternate-names t
 bbdb-use-pop-up t
 bbdb-user-mail-names nil
 bbdb-write-file-hooks '(bbdb-write-file-hook-fn)
 bbdb/mail-auto-create-p t
 bbdb/news-auto-create-p nil
 bbdb/vm-set-auto-folder-alist-field 'vm-folder
 bbdb/vm-set-auto-folder-alist-headers '("From:" "To:" "CC:")
 features '(sendmail reporter bbdb-gui view bbdb-com mailabbrev gnus-msg
            gnus-art mm-uu binhex uudecode wid-edit mm-view gnus-sum nnoo
            gnus-group gnus-undo nnmail mail-source format-spec gnus-start
            gnus-range gnus-spec gnus-int gnus-win gnus gnus-ems message mml
            easymenu mm-decode mm-bodies mm-encode mailcap mail-parse rfc2045
            rfc2047 qp rfc2231 ietf-drums mailheader gnus-util time-date
            parse-time nnheader mail-utils mm-util mail-prsvr bbdb-autoloads
            bbdb help-fns help-mode button cl cl-19 timezone tooltip image
            tool-bar disp-table fontset ediff-hook vc-hooks lisp-float-type
            lisp-mode page menu-bar timer select scroll-bar mldrag mouse
            facemenu frame georgian utf-8-lang misc-lang vietnamese tibetan
            thai lao korean japanese hebrew greek romanian slovak czech
            european ethiopic devanagari indian cyrillic chinese case-table
            help faces cus-face text-properties overlay md5 base64 format mule
            env backquote custom widget x-toolkit)

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