> My program parses  the To: field by splitting  it according to commas,
> so, it tries to add 
> "MOY
> and 
> Jean-Pierre" <address@host>
> to the DB, which is not what I want. 

Matthieu - I don't believe this is a bug in your code (which I haven't
used - yet!), since I have seen the same problem in straightforward
snarfing from incoming mail in RMAIL.  I'm using bbdb-2.32 "$Date:
2001/03/04 20:27:21 $" and I seem to remember first seeing this
behaviour soon after upgrading to it - so maybe a not-so-recent
overhaul of the snarfing code is to blame.

Patrick / Yes, I /will/ upgrade for bugfixes or documented features.

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