my bbdb-version

(i have commented in past that "e" edits the wrong field if our fields
happen to be multiline..)

here's another bug:

create a new field .. when it asks for address-description, type
something, but keep hitting ENTER for the actual address.... so that
we have an address-description, but no address..

the field looks like this now..

> > > ====================================================
 address-description-name:   creation-date: 11 Apr 2002
      timestamp: 11 Apr 2002

> > > ====================================================

now, in the above field, try to edit the address-field..  hitting e on
the address-line starts editing 'creation-date'.. so i guess there's
no way to edit the address-field using 'e'..

(i did manage to edit the field as follows.. i did a C-o address...)

D                                  <>
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