
Im using bbdb from CVS where latest Changelog entry is from 2002-03-20.

On Debian Bugreport says the same i do, with this Info:

Signaling: (wrong-number-of-arguments bbdb-insert-new-field 2)
  bbdb-insert-new-field(address ["Home" ("95 rue Oberkampf") "Paris" "" "75011" ""])
  eval((bbdb-insert-new-field (quote address) (bbdb-prompt-for-new-field-value (quote 

If i use C-o to add any field to an bbdb-record it works great. If i
use the Mouse to do this (exactly same data, same record, same .bbdb,
same Emacs, same PC, same.... :) ) i get an error. The Backtrace for
this has some very big lines so i decided to put it on the web. You can
grab it from http://people.debian.org/~joerg/bbdb.txt (Emacs says
coding system is utf8).

begin  OjE-ist-scheisse.txt
bye, Joerg
Registered Linux User #97793 @ http://counter.li.org

BBDB Home Page: http://bbdb.sourceforge.net/

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