On October 6, [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:
> What would be the right handheld computer, PDA, Palm, etc. for a BBDB
> user who hopes to at least copy their BBDB database to a handheld?

jwz described in detail some time ago the problems with making BBDB
and the Palm addressbook fit into each other's space - mainly it boils
down to the BBDB having no restrictions per se. There are a few
BBDB-to-pilot bits and pieces out there, however, including a plugin
for PilotManager. I've no idea what else is available in terms of
syncing BBDB with PDAs, though.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] / Yes, it /is/ very personal of me.

merde says, "oh, well.  i may be invisible to sober guys with jobs, but at
    least my cats still love me."

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