[EMAIL PROTECTED] (David S. Goldberg) wrote:
>>>>>> On Wed, 03 Aug 2005 03:54:40 -0400, "Charles philip Chan"
>>>>>> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:
>> On  2 Aug 2005, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>>> It's been a long time I'm trying to export my bbdb database as a comma
>>> delimited file (*.csv), but cannot find the right tool. If somebody has an
>>> idea, I'd be grateful for advise. Thanks in advance.
>> http://www.emacswiki.org/cgi-bin/wiki/BbdbExporters
> I didn't see my favorite on that site.  Included in the bits directory
> of the CVS version of the distribution is bbdb-to-outlook.el which
> puts out a csv formated such that Outlook easily imports it.  It's not
> very flexible which is unfortunate as I have to open it in a
> spreadsheet program to delete a couple columns I'd rather not have but
> otherwise it's great.

Thank you both for the pointers. I had, in fact, looked at the emacswiki
reference before, but the only bbdb to csv exporter requires vm, which I
don't use. bbdb-to-outlook.el does looks very promising, but can one
simply take out the file from the distribution and use it on its own? That
is, can I copy it to my lisp directory and load it somewhere in my

Sebastian P. Luque

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