>>>>> "msteffen" == msteffen  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

   >>>>>>> "Tassilo" == Tassilo Horn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
   >> > Is there a way to stop bbdb asking those questions?  Maybe by
   >> > converting the strings to some other encoding system like utf-8
   >> > before the comparison?
   >> Although I do not suffer your problem, I do receive email from the

   > I suffer the problem more or less in the form the original
   > posting  described. It concerned (certain) names  with
   > special characters, and I had the impression, the reason
   > was not that it was one time encoded in latin-1 and the
   > next time some other way; it was basically the same name (just
   > a sequence of emails from the same person in the same folder).

Now that you say this, I think I do suffer from the same problem,
since I receive Spanish names, they are sometimes coded as latin-1, or as 
UTF-8 or as god knows what.

Uwe Brauer 

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