>>>>>"g" == gour  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>>>>> "Marcus" == Marcus Crestani <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Marcus> Yes, that's why I recently wrote bbdb-vcard-import.el that does
Marcus> not use bbdb-vcard.el (and has nothing to do with it).  It
Marcus> depends merely on vcard.el by Noah Friedman.

g> Ohh, sorry. I missed the commend applies to bbdb-vcard.el :-(

Marcus> It imports all vCards that are in a file, just do M-x
Marcus> bbdb-vcard-import RET <filename> RET.

g> I actually tried with bbdb-vcard-import function.

g> The file is in the attachment. 

[Gour sent me his vcard file off-list.]

Noah's vcard.el seems to have a problem with the format of your
jpilot.vcard file at exactly one spot: In line 1473 starts a "NOTE"
field that spans over three lines and thus contains two carriage
returns.  There are many other fields in your jpilot.vcard that span
over two lines and thus contain *one* carriage return, but this is the
only occurance of a field with *more than one* carriage returns.  If I
manually remove the second carriage return, `bbdb-vcard-import' reads
all your contacts into my BBDB.

I looked at the code in vcard.el for a bit, but could not see a quick
fix for this right away.

Please let me know if this workaround does the trick for you, and/or
if you have a fix for vcard.el.


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