On Sunday, March 16, 2008 at 17:01:32, Brett Presnell wrote:
> Robert Widhopf-Fenk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > Gosh, everyone is moving away :-/
> No, some of us are just quiet because we don't have much to contribute
> (my elisp programming skill are fairly nonexistent).
> I do wonder sometime whether bbdb shouldn't be rewritten to just use
> standard vcard fields, modifiers, etc, and possibly even to store all
> it's records in vcard format in the first place (I understand that the
> latter might not be at all practical).  The one big annoyance with
> bbdb is that it is never as easy or automatic as I think it should be
> to import and export vcard files to synch with my cell phone (and I
> wouldn't be at all surprised if this is the reason that some people
> "move away").  I manage it, but I always end up having to remind
> myself of the various steps and I still have to do a fair amound of
> hand editing.

Different back end storage has been discussed before and it
would be a major effort to implement that and probably will
slow down BBDB.

But vcard syncing might be worth doing ... I also manually
sync BBDB and my cell phone and it is a PITA.

Basically it goes like this:
1) Download vcards (by scmxx) from my cell phone and compare
   them to those downloaded after the last sync.  Manually
   merge all changes into BBDB.
2) Export vcards from BBDB.
3) Upload vcards to my cell phone.
4) Download vcards from my cell phone for 1) as they will
   not be identical to those exported by the BBDB.
How are you doing it? 

> But I still really like bbdb and I am very dependent on it.  I don't
> use all the features, but it's the only way I know of to manage
> contact information in my favorite operating system, emacs.  (c;

So am I.

> So thanks very much for your work on bbdb.  I'm imagine that there are
> far more bbdb users out there than you know.  Well, at least I hope
> that there are.

Sure there are, but all former developers have moved away
... well not all, there is still Didier Verna.


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