On Mon Jan 17 2011 Philipp Haselwarter wrote:
> "RW" == Roland Winkler <wink...@gnu.org> writes:
> ---8<---[snipped 22 lines]---8<---
> RW>   * lisp/Makefile: In bbdb-autloads.el, add BBDB lisp directory to
> RW> load-path.
> ---8<---[snipped 18 lines]---8<---
> You forgot to add -e to the echo to make it expand the \n into a
> newline.

Strange! I do not need the `-e' to expand \n properly. 
Will the `-e' work on all systems? Maybe it's more foolproof
to remove the \n. Then one need not worry whether things expand
properly or not.


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