On Wed Oct 26 2011 Carson Chittom wrote:
> If ~/.bbdb is nonexistent, M-x bbdb-create creates it improperly such that it
> requires a manual edit.
> Steps to reproduce: Start Emacs. M-x bbdb-create and fill in the fields.  C-x
> C-c to quit Emacs; answer y to prompt to save ~/.bbdb.  The file created looks
> like this:
> ;; -*- mode: Emacs-Lisp; coding: utf-8; -*-
> ;;; file-format: 7["John" "Smith" nil nil nil nil nil ("jsm...@example.com")
> ((creation-date . "2011-10-26 13:26:08 +0000") (timestamp . "2011-10-26
> 13:26:08 +0000")) nil]

Thanks. I have a patch that modifies things fairly low-level, not
quite where I expected the problem to occur. Before I install it, I
want to double check that it does not give rise to new problems.


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BBDB Home Page: http://bbdb.sourceforge.net/

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